Grapeapplesauce - Rollercoasters

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        “Y/N, this one looks fun!” Grape yells, pointing at a big, blue coaster. You look up nervously at it. The first drop is almost straight down. Your stomach tightens at the thought of going straight down.

   “It doesn’t really,” You say, wanting to go on something else. Grape gives you his puppy dog eyes. Trying hard not to give in, you realize that it’s almost impossible not to give in to him.

   “Alright fine, I’ll only go on since you want to.” You sigh. Grape’s dark brown eyes light up and he smiles.

   “Alrighty! Let’s go!” Grape says excitedly. He grabs your hand and butterflies fly around in your stomach. You both run to the line, and thankfully it isn’t that long. It’s probably a 15 minute wait, tops. The line moves surprisingly fast. You reach the ride before you know it.

            “Are you ready Y/N?” Grape asks you as you both sit in the first row. You reach for his hand and he grasps your hand tightly. You like it, a lot. As you try not to blush, the ride starts. You slowly climb the hill to that huge drop. When you look at Grape, he grins at you. Letting out a small smile, you squeeze Grape’s hand. You can see the edge of the giant drop. Suddenly, the cart jerks forwards and shoots down the track. You scream loudly while Grape puts his hands up. You realize that your right hand is up since you were holding onto Grape’s. Slowly, you put your left hand up. The breeze whips your hair around and you giggle. Who knew it would be this fun?

            The cart whizzes around the track. Soon, the fun ride is over. You look over at Grape and he can’t stop smiling.

  “I knew you’d like it,” Grape chuckles. You blush deeply, and he helps you out of the cart. You both look at the park map, wondering what ride to go on next. You point at the swings, something that was more your speed.

   “You want to go on the swings?” Grape asks. You nod. Grape grabs your hand, yet again, and you two run towards the swings.

            The line is short, so you’re guaranteed to get on this time. The ride worker opens the gate, and the kids in front of you scramble to get a swing. You and Grape choose two seats near each other. Your seat is red, and his is purple. How fitting.

  “You ready, Y/N?” Grape smirks. God, it’s hot when he does that, you think to yourself.

  “Of course I am,” You say, giggling. Soon, the ride starts and you feel like you’re flying. The view is amazing; you can see almost all the rides at the park. You look back at Grape and he gives you a thumbs up. Your eyes light up when you see him happy.

            The ride comes to an abrupt stop, and you know it’s over. You get out of your comfortable seat and walk out with Grape. You grab his hand and smile at him confidently. His eyes meet yours and you blush.

   “I know that this might be dumb to say, but I really love you, Y/N.” Grape says, brushing a loose strand of your hair behind your ear.

   “I love you too Grape,” You say, wrapping your arms around his neck. He wraps his around your waist. You rest your head on his shoulder and he kisses your cheek. Today was an amazing day, you think. 

A/N: Thank you guys so much for four votes! I honestly didn't think anyone would vote for this. So anyways, if you have any requests, just leave a comment! Have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever!


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