ChildDolphin - Movies

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        “Y/N!” Dolphin yells.

  “What?” You shout back, not wanting to get out of bed. It was just too comfortable.

  “Come down here!” He says, and you roll out of bed. He was too cute not to listen to. As you slump down the stairs, you can hear Dolphin making popcorn. Why is he making popcorn at nine in the morning? When you get downstairs, you see three big bowls of popcorn. It looks delicious, and you really want to add butter, but you can’t. Dolphin’s a vegan. He smiles at you as he starts to open the popcorn bags and you rush over to help him.

            “Thanks,” Dolphin grins cheekily. You nod and pour the popcorn in the bowls.

  “Why so much popcorn?” You ask, and laugh a bit.

  “I want to have a movie marathon!” He replies happily.

  “Am I joining you?” You say, hoping he’ll say yes.

  “Of course you are!” He answers, and finishes pouring the popcorn in the bowls. He throws out the bags and grabs two bowls. You grab the other and you both head to his basement. Once you get settled, Dolphin pulls up Netflix. You snuggle next to him, enjoying his warmth. He laughs and puts his arm around you. If only you were dating, you thought to yourself.

            “So, what movie do you want to watch?” Dolphin smirks. You’re not quite sure why, but you decide on a horror movie, Insidious 2. It’s supposed to be extremely scary, and you thought that it would be a great opportunity to be in Dolphin’s arms for pretty much the whole movie.

  “Are you sure you want to watch this movie?” Dolphin asks, and you nod.

  “It’ll be fun,” You laugh, and Dolphin chuckles nervously. You knew he didn’t like horror movies, but that made it all the better.

            Halfway through the movie, you look over at Dolphin and see that he’s hiding behind a pillow. You laugh and knock it away. He looks at you with wide eyes and you grin deviously.

  “Why?” He mouths, and you shrug. You scoot closer to him since you had drifted since he kept suddenly moving.

  “We can cuddle,” You whisper, taking his arm and placing it around your waist. You liked it. The movie finally finishes and Dolphin looks shaken up.

  “Aww, are you scared?” You tease, and he shoots you a look.

  “I hate horror movies, Y/N!” He shakes, and you wrap your arms around him. He smiles a bit, and you can sense a blush rising in his cheeks.

  “You’re cute when you blush,” You say, and then your eyes widen. You didn’t mean to say that out loud. He just looks at you, and you hide your face behind your hands. Now you ruined everything.

            “You’re beautiful all the time,” Dolphin sighs.

   “You really think so?” You question.

   “I know so,” He answers, smiling. You giggle, and he turns to face you. He reaches up to your face, and pulls you in towards him. You’re almost breathless; you thought this would never happen. Dolphin whispers that he loves you and then he smashes his lips onto yours. You love it and you know you love him right back.

A/N: Sorry if this isn't how Dolphin is! I just wanted to write an imagine with him but I don't exactly watch him. I hope you enjoyed this imagine and have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever! ;)


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