Kiingtong - Gardens

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Warning: Smut!

        "Isn't this place amazing?" Will asks, smiling. You nod, and your eyes glance over all the dazzling flowers. Some are very colourful and others are pale and almost colourless. You think they're all beautiful, especially an ocean blue one that stands tall among the tiny, light pink ones. Will catches you looking at the ocean blue one, and smiles. He goes over to it and plucks it. You smile wide.

 "Here you go," He says, handing it to you.

 "Thank you," You blush, and sniff the flower. It smells like vanilla, which is your favourite scent. Will grabs your hand and you giggle. His hand is warm.

            "Where to next?" Will asks you.

  "How about we go over to that fountain over there? It's gorgeous." You respond. Will nods and you guys walk along the stone path to the sparkling fountain. The trees that line the path are a perfect green colour. You smile. Will grins when he sees you smiling. If only you could make him happy. When you make it to the fountain, you notice that the water is completely clear. Pennies shine at the bottom of it and you turn around to tell Will how pretty it is when you notice he isn't there. You raise an eyebrow before a strong force pushes you into the fountain. As you quickly surface, Will is sitting in the fountain with you, but he's laughing.

            "What did you do that for?" You're a bit angry.

  "You looked warm," Will smirks, and you roll your eyes.

  "Haha, I'm laughing." You say, sarcastically. Will looks at you, and for some reason a warm feeling rapidly fills you up, especially 'down there'. You stand up, and water drips off of you.

  "We should probably get out," You suggest. Will shrugs.

  "It's a lot cooler in here, though." He argues.

  "Alright, fine." You sit down. Will crawls over to you.

  "I hope you don't mind that I do this," Will whispers, putting his lips on yours. Your eyes go wide as you realize that he's kissing you. You smile into the kiss and gladly kiss him back. His hand slips up your shirt and he harshly feels you up, but it feels good. As you slip your tongue into his mouth, he rubs you harder and you let out a tiny moan.

            "Awe, does someone like it?" Will laughs. You whimper and pull him back into the kiss. His lips move fast against yours as he removes his hand from your chest. You tug on his shirt, and he quickly removes it. Your hands get to work as you trace the fading lines of his abs. Will rips your shirt and bra off, and begins sucking on your right breast. You moan and he brings his lips back up to yours, his hands gently wrap around your waist. You pull away from the kiss and take off his belt and pants. You slide off his boxers and his huge erection pops up. After you take in the sight of it, you begin to lightly lick his already leaking slit. He's probably really horny by the sight of him. You can hardly see his face and he's slowly forcing you to deepthroat him. Your hands go up and slowly massage his balls as he lets out yet another moan. Will looks like he can hardly take it anymore, so you quickly take in as much as you can, which happens to be the full seven and a half inches. He releases and you have no choice but to swallow. You take your mouth off of his throbbing dick and smile.

            "Fuck, you're good." Will mutters, and then begins to take off your skirt. You can't believe no one has noticed you yet, but you're kind of glad. After Will gets your skirt off, he can't keep his hands off of you. His hands immediately go to your area and he gently rubs your lips. You moan his name and he slips his middle finger in you, and feels around. You arch your back and just enjoy the feeling. He slips two other fingers in and you release. You want him so badly, but aren't ready to lose your virginity just yet. So, you smile at him, and Will kisses you on the top of the head. He helps you get dressed and you know that you'd be down for doing this again.

A/N: Sorry for no uploads for the past few weeks! I've been extremely busy with school, you have no idea. I'll try my best to post an imagine every week (probably on a Friday or Saturday). I hope you all have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever!

-Emily <3

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