MineplexOfficial (Parker) - Park

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        Your hair is being gently blown by the autumn breeze. Colourful leaves float down around you. The sun is high in the sky, yet it’s still cold out. You smile to yourself. You’ve always loved fall. Your phone lights up and you know you have a new message. Hopefully it’s from Parker. As you try to see who it is, someone taps you on the shoulder. When you look behind you, no one’s there. You roll your eyes and see that Parker texted you saying that he’s at the park. Someone gently punches you in the back and you get up and turn around as fast as you can.

            Parker stands there with a goofy grin on his face and you laugh. He could be so childish sometimes.

  “Hey,” You say, casually.

  “Hey,” He replies, mocking you. You laugh and he joins in.

  “So, what do you want to do?” You ask.

  “Well, let’s go on the slides first.” Parker responds, running over to the biggest slide at the park. You follow him and laugh to yourself. You find it cute when he acts like a kid. Parker starts to climb the stairs and you watch as he finally reaches the top. You then scramble up the stairs and “accidentally” push him down the slide. He turns around at the last second and grabs your hand so that you’ll come down with him.

  “Your plan didn’t work out too well, Y/N.” Parker smirks and you blush.

            “Can we climb the monkey bars?” You ask.

  “Of course we can,” Parker replies as he pulls you over to them. You rapidly get on top of the monkey bars before Parker.

  “Well, someone’s excited,” He winks before he begins to get on the monkey bars. He swings up next to you and he starts to wobble a bit. You grin and steady him.

  “The view up here is amazing,” You state, looking beyond the park. There’s a forest up ahead and you can see a huge lake between the tall trees. The sun glints in the sky and the clouds drift aimlessly. Birds chirp and chipmunks disperse around the trees. As much as you want to swim in the lake, you know you can’t. There’s a sign there that clearly states “NO SWIMMING OR FISHING”. You sigh.

            Parker realizes that you sighed and he looks at you.

  “What?” He seems concerned to say the least.

  “Well, I just want to go swimming but we can’t.” You say, trying not to feel down.

There are always other days to swim, right?

  “We can swim there if you want.” Parker motions to the shimmering lake you had been staring at.

  “We can’t.” You shiver after noticing how much the temperature had dropped.

  “If you want to swim, we can swim.” Parker smiles. He doesn’t get it.

  “No, we can’t, Parker. There’s a sign that says “NO SWIMMING OR FISHING”. Plus, I don’t have my swimsuit on.” You mumble.

  “Well, we could always skinny dip,” Parker winks and you laugh. Was he flirting or just being himself?

  “Nah, I’m good.” You say, but the thought of swimming isn’t totally gone.

  “How about we go on the swings?” Parker suggests, obviously wanting to change the subject.

  “Alright,” You hop down from where you’re sitting and walk over to the swings. As you sit down, you watch as Parker stands up on his swing and attempts to swing. He fails miserably so you laugh.

  “Hey!” He protests, but you just keep laughing. You start to swing slowly. Parker sits down eventually and swings as high as he can. You’re scared to do that in case you flip off. But you know Parker couldn’t care less.

            “He’s so cute,” You mutter to yourself and then realize you just said that out loud. Of course you would say something like that with him being right next to you. Parker turns and looks at you.

  “Who’s ‘so cute’?” He questions, scouting the park for someone cute.

  “You,” You say under your breath, but Parker hears it.

  “Me?” He asks, confused.

  “Yeah, you’re so cute.” You sigh, and get off the swing to leave.

  “Wait, Y/N!” Parker says, trying to catch up to you. You head to the forest and sit down in front of the lake. Parker takes a seat next to you and cups your face in his hands.

  “Y/N, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Parker whispers. You blush a deep pink colour.

  “Parker, I love you.” You look straight into his eyes.

  “I love you too, Y/N.” He says, and kisses you on the cheek. 

A/N: I hope you liked this imagine! Sorry if it was crappy, but I don't really watch Parker all that much :s. Anyways, I hope you have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever! <3


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