TheCampingRusher - Zoo

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        “GET UP NOW! WE’RE GOING TO THE ZOO!” Rusher yells in your face, causing you to wake up. You rub your eyes and stare up at him. He grins a cheesy smile and you giggle.

  “But I’m comfortable,” You complain and pull the covers over your head. Rusher sighs and rips the covers off of you.

  “Hey!” You exclaim, astounded. Rusher shrugs and sits on the bed.

  “Come on Y/N, I just want to go to the zoo.” Rusher says, looking at you with a half-smile. It’s hard to resist him, so you groan and get up. As you quickly get ready, you hear Rusher talking to himself. You laugh to yourself; he’s always doing that. After you get your makeup on, you rush (a/n: see what I did there? ;D) downstairs. Rusher’s just standing there, and you go up behind him and throw your arms around him.

            “Ready?” He laughs as he takes your arms off of him. You nod, and you both go out to his car and hop in. He holds your hand for half of the car ride, and then he lets go to focus on driving. When you arrive at the zoo, you see that it thankfully isn’t too busy. After you get your tickets, Rusher takes you to the koalas right away since they’re your favourite animal.

  “They’re so cute!” You state once you see them. Rusher just laughs and wraps his arm around you. You get slightly annoyed, since he acts flirty all the time but has never mentioned liking you once. So, you push his arm off and he looks confused.

            “Don’t act flirty if you don’t like me,” You say, a bit angrily.

  “But I do like you,” Rusher whispers. You look at him and raise your eyebrows.

  “Sure you do,” You roll your eyes and go back to looking at the koalas. Rusher brushes his hand against yours but you pull away.

  “What’s wrong?” Rusher asks, and you try not to cry. He always does this. He acts like he likes you but really he doesn’t.

  “Let’s go see the penguins,” You suggest, avoiding the question. Rusher sighs and you two walk over to the penguin section. You watch as the penguins pull themselves gracefully through the water. It’s amazing.

            “I love the penguins,” You say, finally. Rusher just nods in agreement but doesn’t say anything.

  “Don’t you just love the zoo?” You ask, facing him.

  “Yeah, it’s pretty cool.” Rusher mumbles. You regret what you said, but it’s not like you can take it back. You stare at the penguins and smile to yourself. Animals were honestly the cutest. When you look over at Rusher, you see that he’s already staring at you.

 “So…” You mutter, not sure of what you should say.

 “I do like you, Y/N. I wasn’t kidding.” Rusher replies, breathlessly.

 “But why do you like me?” You ask, wondering what he could possibly like about you.

 “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. You have the prettiest eyes and hair. Your laugh is to die for. You always look perfect even if you’re not wearing makeup. The way your eyes sparkle in the light is so gorgeous. When you just wear sweatpants and a messy bun. I just love you,” Rusher looks down at his feet. You smile wide. After the little speech he gave you, you know that he means what he said earlier. But you’re still in shock that your best friend in the whole word likes you. You always thought he liked someone else, but you guess you were wrong.

            He smiles at you and you grab his face and pull it towards you. You press your lips to his and you can feel the fireworks going off. Rusher pulls away first and chuckles. You giggle. Rusher’s a good kisser, you think to yourself as you go to give him another kiss.

A/N: This is honestly my favourite imagine I've written so far. I hope you guys like it as well! Have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever! <3


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