TheCampingRusher - PAX

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        You’re currently trying not to scream your head off since you get to attend PAX where Rusher will be. Somehow you managed to convince your overprotective mom to let you go. Your twitter is blown up with notifications about PAX, and you smile to yourself. This is exactly what you wanted. The only thing you’re really looking forward to at PAX is meeting the Cube, since they’re your favourite Youtubers.

            “Y/N! Have you finished packing?” Your mom’s words echo down the hall and you quickly shout back a simple “yes” before stuffing the rest of your clothes into the suitcase. The thought of Rusher enters your mind and you smile to yourself. Hopefully you’ll make a good enough impression on him so that he’ll notice you more than the other girls.

            “It’s time, Y/N! Let’s go!” Your mom yells and you shudder. How will you act in front of him? Will you come off as funny and cool? Or will you seem like a nervous wreck? Hopefully you’ll be fairly cool.

  “Alright!” You yell back, and lug your suitcase out of your room and down the stairs. Your mom swirls the keys around her fingers and then grabs the suitcase from your hand. As you head out to the car, the sky is dark and rain clouds are dispersed throughout the sky. You sigh. It’s finally time.


            When you touch down in Seattle, your thoughts are cluttered. Where’s your hotel? Where’s the rental car place? How far is your hotel? You try not to break down from all the stress. The plane ride was thankfully peaceful, and you slept through it. Getting off the plane, you follow the directions down to the car rental place. You wait in a long line just to get your car, and when you do, you immediately plug in your hotel’s address.

            Although you’re tired, you keep going. You get to the hotel in less than 15 minutes and get all checked in. No one told you that it would be this easy. As soon as you get into your room, you flop down onto the bed. You giggle to yourself as you realize PAX is tomorrow. You’ll meet Rusher tomorrow, since that’s when his meet up is. Your thoughts now drift aimlessly as you slowly close your eyes.


            The alarm on your phone blares out an annoying tune and you groan. You turn it off and drag yourself out of bed. After you shower and get dressed, you try to decide how to do your makeup. Simple or classy? You decide to just do thin wings for your eyeliner and a bit of mascara. You grin at yourself and grab your purse. This is it. Today is the day you meet Rusher.

            You’re grateful how close your hotel is to the PAX convention center. Girls run past you screaming over the Cube and you feel like someone just shot you right through the heart. You keep forgetting that the Cube is expanding and they now have a bigger fan base. Sighing, you sign in once you’re in the convention center. Without you even realizing it until you’re accidentally pushed, Rusher is behind you.

            “I’m sorry!” Rusher says, apologetically.

  “It’s fine,” You laugh. Oh my god! It’s Rusher! What do you do?! You try not to appear as a typical fangirl and just smile sweetly at him.

  “Hey, what’s your name? I owe you one.” Rusher says.

  “I’m Y/N,” You breathe out.

  “That’s a pretty name. Well I have to go to a meet up now, I’ll see ya later.” Rusher quickly smiles before walking off. You wish you could’ve said you were going to his meet up so you could walk with him. He’s much sweeter in real life. He also smells pretty good. As you walk to his meet up, you try not to look like a crazy fangirl, but in reality, you are.

            By the crowd of girls, you can tell that it’s Rusher’s meet up.

  “Hey guys!” Rusher says, and you work your way into the middle of the fangirls. Rusher started to say how awesome it was to see all the fans, when his eyes land on you. You blush and smile. He flashes a smile and girls argue over who it was for. Rusher continues to say how thankful he is for all the support and you just listen. He wraps up his speech, gets a few pictures with people, and the crowd disbands.

            “Hey! Y/N!” Rusher yells and butterflies float around in your stomach.

  “Hello,” You smile and he laughs.

  “You know, I think you’re gorgeous, which is crazy to say since we’ve only known each other for what? Not even an hour?” Rusher mumbles.

  “You think I’m gorgeous?” You ask, stunned.

  “I know you are,” He responds.

  “You’re honestly amazing,” You reply, and wrap your arms around him.

  “I want to get to know you. What’s your number?” Rusher whispers in your ear. You tell him and he enters it into his phone.

  “We have to talk more, Y/N. You’re awesome, not only that, but gorgeous as well.” Rusher chuckles.

  “Thanks,” You say, and you can feel a blush rising in your cheeks. This was a great start to PAX.

A/N: Sorry I didn't update these last week, but I've been extremely busy. I tried to make this imagine a bit longer. As always, have a lovely day/afternoon/night/whatever! <3


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