Chapter two

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I should probably explain the situations in school. I was a.... good student, good in some classes, normal in others. I'm not in any extra clubs, I'm not popular or even unpopular for that matter. I am normal. Now, on to the popular kids. There was Bash, of course, someone as good-looking as him would never go by unnoticed. Unlike typical popular people, he was probably the nicest person at school. There was Edina, basically, the rich slut. Practically everyone has been to her house, which was huge and utterly beautiful. It must be lonely in there, though. There was her best friend Diana. She was known for having quite the reputation with the boys, very known for that matter. Then there was Ares, he was our school bad boy. Surprisingly, he doesn't skip classes, rumor has it that he is in a gang, is a drug dealer and got Annie Plugen pregnant, just because she moved away two months after sleeping with him. He was famous for hating bullies and I mean loath. He beat up this guy who was picking on this geeky girl. No one dared to testify against him, so he didn't even get suspended. He was also a huge womanizer, he didn't even have to chase after girls. They came to him freely, one girl tried to play hard to get, so he would date her. It did not work.

First, I had math, unlike most people, I didn't hate it and I was good at it. The teacher was my best friend, Maya's, stepfather. He was nice, but to be honest a little too gullible. He has been Maya's stepfather for a while, about 6 years after her real dad cheated on her mom, repeatedly. I sat in the second out of five rows, next to the windows. It showed the lacrosse field, where a few freshmen were trying out. We had two girls on the lacrosse team. Hailey and Allison, Allison was the goalie and the best one this school has had in a while. Hailey was on offense, there is always the risk that she might get hurt, but she is excessively fast. She got hurt once and hurt her shoulder, but after two months, she continued to play normally.

Ares sat right in the middle, Diana to his right, Bash to his left. Next to Bash sat Edina, if she ever showed up. Her dad donates a lot of money to the school, so they don't really care. Maya was in another class, she was in advanced math. The teacher asked me if I wanted to be in advanced math, but I'd rather stay here, where I get good grades with ease. Unlike there, where judging on the equations Maya showed me, wasn't so easy.

On the board were functions that we needed to solve. He gave us a week to solve all of them, which was perfect in my opinion. I'm sure that most of the kids in class simply copy it from Bash, who copies it from me. I got out the papers and calculator and started to work. Diana pushed her desk closer to Ares, while Edina pushed hers closer to Bash. A miracle that she is here anyway. Bash and Edina were flirting again. They are known for sleeping with each other a lot, but deny any accusations, that they actually like each other. Me and Bash don't talk at school. I'm positive no one knows we are actually friends. Not that it is worth mentioning or anything. I glanced at him quickly, since I told him that his lazy ass has to actually try to solve it if he wants a well enough grade. He wasn't, he was texting. He put the book up so the teacher didn't see, Edina was staring at Diana and Ares, smirking. I looked over to them before quickly looking back at my paper. They were making out, rather passionately.

"This classroom is for math, not chemistry. And this is your fourth warning this week. Why don't we change your place? Amira? Would you be so kind to switch seats with Ares?" I gave him a look which clearly said, you're kidding me right? He wasn't. I packed my stuff and put it on Ares's table, who didn't move an inch. He stared at me as I placed my bag next to his feet. Considering he still didn't move, I grabbed his stuff and put it on my former desk. After that I stood in front of the new desk and gestured Ares to leave. Everyone was staring at us and me and Ares were staring at each other. He slowly stood up, his face getting rather close to mine, and he smirked. I've seen him smirk a lot in the last years but never up close. And may I say, hot damn. I backed away a bit, and gave him a look that said, yes? He walked to my desk, looking rather grumpy now, and plopped down. I sat down and glanced at my watch, realizing there's only five more minutes till class ends. It wasn't worth getting all my stuff out and starting to learn.

I glanced to my right and noticed Diana was rather occupied on her phone. To my left, Bash looked as if he was deciding on something while staring at me. I stared back, it was never spoken out loud, but there was a rule that we don't talk to each other at school. It looks like he was about to say something and for some reason, I hoped that he does. He clenched his teeth and looked away. The bell rang so I gathered my stuff and got out rather quickly. I shouldn't feel hurt, but for some reason, I did. I should already be used to it, but whatever. I saw Maya at the end of the hallway and jogged over to her. I linked my arm with hers and smiled at her. We both had English, and we were currently reading "Pride and Prejudice". "Your dad made me change places with Ares today." I tried to say it as casually as possible. "You mean to tell me you're sitting next to Bash?" I figured that would be the first question she asked. She is probably the only person at school who doesn't like him. She thinks my relationship with him is naïve from my part, considering he is popular and doesn't talk to me in public. I admire her for it but disagree. It's not like I wanted to be popular or I wanted him to talk to me in public. But how can I convince her when I am not convinced myself?

We sat in the front row like we always did. Ares and Edina sat in the back of the room, from what I heard, they were each other's firsts, and that's as far as their relationship went, or is going. I took the book out, we were almost at the end but I had already finished it, so did Maya. We loved to read, we have a slightly different taste, I love romance novels, she loves thrillers. We both adore fantasy, though. Instead of discussing the story, we have to read the ending to the next lesson. I asked for permission and spent the whole lesson talking to Maya about the next book that we might read. For some reason, my eyes kept wandering back to Ares, who to my surprise, was actually reading the whole time. Edina wasn't actually in class, the seat next to him was empty. As the bell rang, I gathered my stuff quietly, glancing back at Ares. I linked my arm with Maya again, and we went to gym class.

I wasn't a sportive person per se, I had asthma. I loved it when we played games, though or when we danced. And currently we were making up a dance, we could choose our own partner, so naturally, I went with Maya. She is a great dancer and to be honest I'm pretty good, too. Our dance was complicated and to be honest, kind of sexy. We were all girls so my awkward virgin self didn't mind. We practiced and added some moves for two lessons, before we went to take a shower.

We were having Lunch now, and I was starving! Meand Maya sat on a table with Allison and Hailey, the lacrosse players. Theyalready got their food from the cafeteria, which was actually good, but a bitbland. Me and Maya brought our own lunch most of the time, we got oursandwiches out and instantly dug in, chatting a bit with the others.

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