Chapter eleven

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There is this scene in a movie where somehow everyone stops what they are doing and stare at the main character and starts whispering and pointing and shit. This was that moment. Ares suddenly stood beside me, he wrapped his arm around my waist, and started to lead us inside. Honestly, I willed the floor to just swallow me whole right there but it just wouldn't do. Stupid floor. Now, I know what you're thinking. I told Maya about the date last night, before Ares showed up in my room. She won't kill me, no worries, I just have to tell her about this morning.

And I did, when I saw Maya again, me and Ares got separated. He went to his group, who was talking in hushed tongues. I told Maya everything, every tiny little detail. She was squealing the whole time, we got a lot of dirty looks from the teacher. Lunch was the most interesting thing to happen at school. Me, Maya, Hailey and Allison all sat at the cool table with Ares, Bash, Edina and Maya. Maya was talking to Diana about... something, when Ares stood on the freaking table.

Now, Ares has the reputation of being a badass at school. He could scare anyone with one nasty look. So, imagine everybody's surprise, including mine, when he stood on the fucking table and did the worst/best thing that he could ever do. "Amira, we have been on one date. Have hung out probably for a very short amount of time for what I'm about to say. And you don't have to say yes. But I'm really hoping you would. I really like you, talking to you is so relaxing, kissing you just feels fucking fantastic, and having you at my arm feels right. So, if you would say yes. I would really love it if you became my girlfriend." Right after he said girlfriend a bunch of guys came in, each holding one flower. They passed by me and placed the flower in front of me, before sitting down somewhere.

What do you say to that? Obviously, I'd agree. But I wasn't just going to stutter out a simple yes, not to that big performance. I was probably smiling as brightly as a woman on her wedding day. He was too tall for me to kiss with ease. I grabbed his shirt, hoping he'd get the memo and bend down, and kissed him. He kissed back obviously, wrapping his arms around me, he pulled me even closer. He kissed for what felt like hours, it probably wasn't though. I still need to breathe. He pulled back, resting his forehead on mine. He gave me one last peck before he pulled away and smiled at everyone. I looked around, and gasped. "Did everyone see that?" That was a stupid question I know, we were in the cafeteria, on a table. But when I said everyone, I meant everyone, including some teachers. Everyone started clapping and cheering. I brought my hands to cover my face, considering I didn't want everyone to see me blush so hard. I placed my head on Ares's chest and he just laughed. He sounds like an angel....

I shook my head to snap out of it and looked up at him again, pouting slightly before laughing as well. He jumped down, turned around, grabbed me by the waist and twirled me around. I'm embarrassed and happy to say, I giggled like a 4-year-old. He sat us back down, not without kissing me again, and smirked at his friends. He turned to Bash and winked at him. "That's how it's done, dude." Bash grabbed his plate, pushed his plate away and stormed out. We all watched him leave confused. "I better go see what's wrong with him, I'll be back, babe." Before I could respond he was already off, something about his expression changing, he started to look more like the Ares I knew before we talked, cold.

I couldn't give much thought about it because as soon as those doors closed. The girls started squealing.

"That was adorable."

"You are so lucky."

"If he hurts you, he will die."

"When did you two even happen?"

"I'm still confused."

The one in the middle was Maya, the last two came from Hailey and Allison, so I filled them in on everything. Edina kept glancing back at the door worryingly, while the rest just listened. The day continued with random people in the hallway giving me compliments over the most absurd things, like the shape of my ears.

I finally made it home, in one piece, thank god. Luckily, my mom was there and I told her everything. I even told all about yesterday, leaving out the part that we were both half naked. It let wonderful to let it all out. She said that if he was anything like his father, then he would be a complete and utter gentleman. His father... I didn't like him, something about him made me fishy, uneasy. I soon came to the realization that I have to tell my own father about this. That conversation won't go well, he's... overprotective, to say the least. Luckily, again, my mom will be the one to tell him, since she can break the news much softer. I went to my room and finally, just laid on my bed. This has been overwhelming to say the least. My phone chipped and I grabbed it lazily. The king Ares.

- You want to meet up? I'll pick you up and take you to eat ice cream?

· How can I say no to that? Just give me half an hour to get ready.

I didn't wait for his respond and simply got up to change my clothes. I never got around to it though, because at that moment, I heard something on my window. I turned around and Bash was there, waving at me. I walked over, glad to see him, it feels like we haven't hung out in a while. "Where did you guys disappear to today? I haven't seen you or Ares since lunch." He just smiled and waved me over. "Come on, I want to show you something important." I furrowed my eyebrows but shrugged, why not?

I didn't bother telling my mom, it's only a few minutes anyway. I climbed out the window, and onto the tree, moving over to swing my legs over Bash's window. I've done this hundreds of times before, so it was all easy for me. "What's up?" I jumped onto his bed and turned to, showing him, I'm waiting.

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