Chapter ten

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My alarm rang a bit earlier this morning, having it made that way just before I slept. I tried to move to get up, only to find that I was trapped in my place. Ares had his arms around me, hugging me almost tightly. He looked so handsome and peaceful that I didn't want to wake him up. Sadly, my mom comes in my room every morning to check if my outfit is good enough, so he has got to go. I kissed him but pulled back quickly when I realized that his breath stank, mine probably did, too. My giggling was the thing that woke him up probably. His face stayed peaceful as he looked at me. At that moment, his eyes were almost shining. As soon as I caught his eye, I felt a warmth spread through me, this moment was absolutely perfect.

"Good morning." I was probably blushing, so I lowered my head slightly, placing it on his chest. His bare chest, why is it bare? How come I haven't noticed that he was shirtless till now? I tried to pull back a bit, but he held tighter. "Now where do you think you're going?" His voice was absolutely drool-worthy. It was even huskier than usual and he looked even hotter with messy bed hair. One thought crept its way to my mind, making me pull away slightly. How many girls have seen him like this? How many will in the future? He is a player and I had to remind myself that this has probably been just a trick to get in my pants, a really good trick. "To the bathroom, our breaths sort of stink." I patted his arms, so he would get a hint and let go. He did, and I went to the bathroom, grabbing my toothbrush. I have my own bathroom. I didn't realize that he followed me, until he washed his hands, and put toothpaste on his finger and brushed his teeth that way." I tried not to laugh, I really did. It just came so natural to him, that it was sort off funny.

After I finished I walked back to my room, looking for his stuff. I gathered them in my arm, turning around and finding Ares standing really, really close. I mean, the guy is only in his boxers and I'm in short shorts and a top. He bent down slowly, his lips hovering over mine. He didn't kiss me, he did worse. I could feel his breath on me, his lips not even an inch apart from mine. I couldn't stay still, kissing him passionately, his stuff in my hand already on the floor. My fingers ran through his hair. At the moment all I could think about was him. Until I heard a crash, my dad yelling some curse words and I pulled back gasping. Ares pulled back as well. He looks like he is just as mesmerized as I am. I gulped a bit nervously before I finally found my voice. "Yeah, um, so, yeah. Stuff, your stuff." That was all I could say at the time. I bend down and gave him his stuff. He took them soundlessly. I walked past him, to get my stuff. I didn't quite make it that far, he grabbed my arm, spinning me around.

He kissed me again. This time there was no hesitation, I kissed him back of course. He is a damn good kisser. Pulling away because of loss of breath, his forehead was still leaning on mine. "Fuck, that was good." All I could was nod my head slightly. We pulled away completely, he walked past me to the bathroom, probably to get dressed. I got dressed as well, putting on something I knew my mother would approve. She probably got distracted by my dad, thank god. He came out, fully dressed, his hair tamer and he looked much more composed than before. "Meet me outside in 10 minutes, we'll grab breakfast on the way to school." I smiled at him and mumbles a small "alright". He went out the way he came in, giving me one last peck on the forehead. I watched him disappear, probably with a dreamy look on my face. I sighed happily and twirled around. Yes, I twirled, slipped on a t-shirt and fell, ungracefully. When I got up, I looked out the window. Bash was staring at me, he looked pissed. I mean really fucking angry. He closed his curtains and I snapped out of it. What the hell was that about? I went downstairs and kissed my parents on the cheek. My das was visiting his siblings today and my mom was going to work.

As promised, Ares was waiting outside for me. He threw me the keys, I barely caught them, and got in the passenger's seat. When I got in, he grabbed the side of my face with one hand and made me face him. He kissed me gently before pulling a paper bag from the back seat. "I had some time to kill so I got us donuts, and some milkshakes." I tried not to smile too brightly, I really did. I started driving and pulled up a block away from school. "What are you doing? Keep driving, babe." Oh my god, did he seriously just call me babe? Yay! "People will see." He looked as confused as a small puppy, by that I mean he looked adorable at the moment. "Yeah, I know. That's what people do with their eyes...." I rolled my eyes at him, smiling a bit. "Yeah, they do that, too." He pointed at me and I rolled my eyes again. "I know smartpants. I just mean..." What do I say? You probably don't want to be seen with me and I'm so insecure I won't mind if we dated in secret? That's if he even wants to date again. "What? What is it? What's wrong baby?" He looked genially concerned. "I mean, people will see us together...." I didn't look at him when I said that, I didn't want to see the realization on his face. I didn't want him to kick me out of the car, even if I'm the one who reminded him of it in the first place. "You don't want people to know we're dating? Why? I want to shout it to the whole world." I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at him like he was crazy, which he obviously was. "I meant, you wouldn't want people to know. You're a legend at this school, everybody, most people adore you! And I'm normal, you're better off with someone like Diana or some-" I was cut off with a kiss. He was gentle and slow. God, he's such a good kisser. "Would you shut up for god's sake and listen to me. Amira, you are perfectly special and normal at the same time. You don't try to be over the top or to stand out, which makes you normal, but you are so good. You are such a good person. I know it was a hassle making my sister's hair, but you still did it because it made her happy. You gave us lasagna, which was delicious. You offered to do everything in the science project that doesn't actually involve science, that is more work than Bash's and Maya's combined. You came to a party just to make sure your best friend doesn't get in trouble. You saved Diana from that asshole that tried to roofie her. And don't think I didn't notice you were shielding Maya when he came back. For crying out loud, you spend your free time volunteering at a Daycare in the hospital!" I was speechless, I didn't think he would pay that much attention to me of all people. Wait... How did he know about the daycare thing? Not even Maya knows! "I, um, well, how do you know about Daycare? I've never told that to anyone outside of my family." He smiled sheepishly.

"Alright but you can't tell anyone! I do some volunteer work at the elderly center next to the hospital. One of them has a granddaughter that has cancer, her name is Sarah. She almost died a couple of weeks ago, but one of the volunteers there informed the nurse quickly enough to save her life. I asked around and found out about you. Asked Bash if he knew you, he told me you're his neighbor. I started to go to his house more to accidently bump into you.... Fuck, that sounds creepy as hell, doesn't it? I don't know why I didn't approach you in school. What would I have said? I've heard about you?" I was speechless once more. What the fuck do you say to that? Ares just told me he's been trying to talk to me for weeks now and I never noticed. I mean, wow. I'm pretty sure I'm blushing right now. He is so sweet. If sweet was the right word for it... What the hell do I say, I have to say something. The most cringeworthy thing that I could ever do happened next. I finger gunned him. You know when you're trying to be cool and you point your finger at someone like it's a gun and make a weird fucking noise with your mouth. I did that.

Ares did the last thing I'd expected him to do,he laughed. It wasn't just a chuckle, this was a loud, can't breathe, I'm aboutto roll on the ground laugh. His laugh was contagious so I laughed as well,naturally. I waited until he calmed down before speaking again. "So, I shoulddrive then? We're going to be late for class." "Yes, you dummy!" He was stilllaughing and I simply started the car and drove, parking it where he usuallydoes. He looked at me with those beautiful eyes, grabbed my hand and kissed theback of it. I'm going to melt, I'm serious, all that in one morning. I'm goingto melt and turn into a fucking puddle of hormones and squealing sounds thatwill put a fangirl to shame. "Are you ready?" I didn't answer, instead I opened the door and just got out, so didAres.

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