Chapter five

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The first thing they did was to bring a couple of beer bottles to the middle of the room. Ares sat on the couch, Diana next to him, Bash sat next to Edina on a couch they pushed up to be in front of Ares's. There was a table between them. I'm pretty sure they do this a lot. I sat on the carpet on one end of the table, while Maya sat in front of me, on the other end of the table. "Now what?" Maya dared to ask after a few seconds. Ares chugged a bottle of beer before putting it next to him on the floor. "How about truth or dare?" He looked around the room, before he suddenly hiccupped. Edina laughed loudly, pointing at him. "Edina, that's enough beer for you." Bash took the beer bottle from her hand away, and I saw her pout for five seconds before she got mad and ignored him. "Fine then, I'll start." Her eyes wandered around the room, before they fixed on Maya. "You, choose." Maya thought about it a bit, before she looked around the room. "Since I don't know what kind of crazy dares you guys would make me do, I'll choose truth." Edina smirked, as if she wanted to hear that exact answer. "If you had to choose, who in this room would you choose to sleep with?" She leaned back, still smirking, and glancing at me. I tried to hide a smile, knowing Edina was waiting for her to say Ares or Bash. This wasn't the first time she was asked this, and her answer is always the same. "Amira, because nobody should die a virgin." She turned to me and winked. She didn't wait for their reaction before she turned to Bash. This will not end well. "Bash, truth or dare?" She was practically glaring at him. I turned to Bash and saw him looking right at me. "Dare." I breathed out in relief, knowing what the question to the truth would have been.

"I dare you to....... Chug three bottles of beer without puking." Bash looked amused and almost offended. "Please, I can do that in my sleep." After finishing his dare, with complete success, might I add, he turned to Ares. "Let's spice this up a bit, we need more drama. Truth or dare?" Ares leaned back in his seat and relaxed. "Dare, obviously." His deep voice made me want to melt to be honest. "I dare you to kiss the prettiest girl here. I would have said person, but I don't want you to kiss me." Ares looked around the room a bit. Diana looked like she was about to lean into him, when Ares stood up. He knelt right in front of me, and before I knew it, his lips were on mine. Instead of melting, which is honestly what I thought I would do, I pulled back and slapped him. The sound echoed through the room, and I heard a whimper come out of his mouth. The others, except for Maya, gasped. I almost apologized, before I realized that I was right. "I appreciate the flattery, but never, ever kiss me without my permission again." I stood up and realized Maya was already behind me, grabbing her jacket. "I think we stayed for too long already. We'll be leaving now." Ares was still kneeling on the floor. I turned around before anyone could say a word, knowing Maya would follow me. She linked her arm with mine as soon as we got to the street.

I didn't realize how late it was, or how dark. We almost got to our car when I noticed a couple of guys in the alley. I didn't look at them, but pointed at them for Maya to see, we started to walk faster. We weren't lucky. "Hey babes, where are you off to at this time of the night?" We didn't talk, and simply walked faster. "Hey! I'm talking to you, you know it's rude to walk away when someone is calling you." His friend was standing in front of us, forcing us to stop. "You! You're the bitch that snitched on me." It was the guy from the party, the one that tried to drug Diana. "How about you make it up to me, huh little slut?" Maya stepped forward a bit, slowly moving her body in front of mine. In case he was going to hit. This wasn't the first time she did this, and it won't be the last. "No, now why don't you guys go back to your creepy alley and leave us alone." He was obviously drunk and when he stepped closer, my hand wrapped around the pepper spray in my bag. "See, bitch, I wasn't really asking." I felt the guy behind him move closer, and before he could grab one of us. I heard a voice in the distance, it was someone yelling. Not just someone, it was Ares. "Back the fuck away assholes!" The guys turned to him, and I sighed a breath of relief. True he kissed me and that made me uncomfortable. But he was a good guy. "This has nothing to do with you man, just walk away." Ares tensed up, he looked livid. He slowly approached us, standing in front of the guy. He easy towered over both of them, but I still didn't want to risk the odds of who would win the fight. "Let them go and get out of here, before I either call the police or do something much worse." After that threat, even I was nervous. It wasn't just the fact that he implied that he could make them regret this decision more than the police would. It was the way he said it. If I wasn't so scared right now, I would have fainted.

"I said, move. Now!" He didn't yell, he didn't have to. The guys glared at him and one looked like he was about to punch him. Ares tensed up, noticing the same thing. The other guy tapped him, and then pointed behind Ares. Bash was slowly approaching. Now, there was no question who would win. "Whatever man, let's get out of here." Ares was still glaring at them as they left. Bash finally caught up to us. "What's going on? Who were those guys?" He nodded his head in the direction where the guys left. "Maya will explain, I need to talk to Amira really quickly." Bash glanced at me as if he didn't want to leave but didn't know what else to say. Maya started walking to the car, probably expecting Bash to follow. "Maya! Other way." I pointed behind me. Maya gave me a fake salute, before she started marching over there. She was still a little drunk. I turned back to Ares, who suddenly looked more nervous than I did before. "Um well, I just wanted to, um." The biggest badass at school was stuttering. What a sight. I tried to hide the fact that I was smiling, but a small laugh escaped my lips. He looked relieved for a moment, before laughing a bit himself. He scratched the back of his neck, as if he was still nervous. "What I meant to say was, I'm sorry. Kissing you was out of line. I should have asked first or approached you slower. I was drunk." I smiled at him, before grabbing his free hand. He has abnormally large hands, I have baby hands to be honest. I took a step closer and looked up at him. "Thank you for apologizing." I slowly leaned in, but he didn't move at all. I brushed my lips against his, before pulling back, letting go of his hand and walking away. I tried to hide the smile that was slowly widening, but I felt way too giddy right now.

I approached the car and heard some halfwhispering half yelling. Bash and Maya looked like they were arguing. "Listen-.""No, you listen! That is my best friend in the whole fucking world, you hurther like that again, and you can kiss your friendship goodbye." She looked likeshe was about to say something else before she saw me. "I'm not eavesdropping,don't worry. Though I have a hunch about what this is about." Bash looked down,as if he was ashamed. "Why don't you just go? We need to get home. It's almostone in the morning and I need sleep." Bash sighed, mumbling a quick goodbyebefore he left. I turned to Maya and didn't say a word. She knew what I wasgoing to say anyway. "He deserved it and you know it!" I simply rolled my eyes,pointed to the car and got in the driver's seat. "Let's just get you home." Itexted Maya's dad telling him she was going to stay at my place. He repliedwith an approval and told me to take care of both of us. I drove home, put herin my bed and cuddled in with her. We were both wearing short pajamas, but Iadored cuddling. Not to mention Maya's boobs can be perfectly used for pillows.With that thought on my mind, and a giggle from my lips, I fell asleep.

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