Chapter six

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The weekend went by pretty fast. I was honestly nervous about school. I mean, does anything change? If I see them in the hallway or in class, do I wave? Do I ignore them? Should I wait to see if they do something first? I asked Maya and she said to do whatever the hell I want.

I got my books from my locker and went to math class. I had math as a first lesson every day of the week. I went over to my usual seat, but before I could actually sit down I heard a voice behind me. "Ah, ah, ah." Maya's dad pointed to Ares's original seat and I gave him a look that clearly said, you must be kidding me. I walked over to my seat and noticed that Diana was already there. I did not expect her to talk to me at all. "So, Ares told me what happened with Jackson. I am so sorry that you had to deal with that." I was baffled by the apology. "You didn't do anything, it's not your fault they happen to be a bunch of assholes. Plus, you dealt with it yourself. Are you okay?" She smiled at me briefly before turning around. "Are you stealing my place or something?" I got worried for a second, I've heard if you piss Ares off, he can destroy your life with the things he simply seems to know about people. He once threatened a guy at school that he was going to break his legs if he keeps pressuring one of the girls in our English class for sex. They broke up the next day. I turned to look at him and almost sighed a breath in relief. He was smiling, obviously joking. "Yeah, I'm a better fit." Diana chose that moment to chip in. "She really is." She winked at me before we both looked at Ares again. "Now I just feel left out." He pouted for a bit, looking absolutely adorable. The bell rang so he moved next to Diana on the other side. He glared at the guy sitting there. I would have run for my life if I got that look. I looked over Diana to see who he was glaring at.

In our school, we had the wanna-be populars. They were jerks, and nobody actually liked them. Diana, Edina, Bash and Ares didn't try to bully someone, they were actually nice. They were a closed off group though. Ares could be mean to a lot of people, Edina doesn't have a lot of patience when it comes to anything. I noticed Diana had the need to have everything perfect. Now sitting on that seat, was Andrew, one of the jocks, and the jerks. He was arrogant as hell and it pissed me off. Thankfully he didn't actually talk to me, I just heard him talking around his friends. His friend Ethan was the guy Ares once beat up for bullying someone. Andrew was usually less courageous when it came to facing Ares. However, it seemed now he found his bravery, or his stupidity. "Move." Ares's voice was calm but threatening. He looked at Ares like he was bored, but after Ares told him to move, he started to look scared. "Yeah, yeah, sure man." He quickly gathered his stuff and went to sit at my old place. Ares dropped his books on the table and sat down lazily.

Next was Science, and that's where something interesting happened. We do a science project each year, and until now, we got to choose our partners. I always partnered up with Maya, naturally. "For this year's project you will be choosing your own partners as usual. However, you will be put into a group of four. You may choose your own group, but if it doesn't work out smoothly, I'll divide you myself." Maya was already sitting next to me and we looked around. Sadly, Allison and Hayley didn't have this class with us and we weren't exactly friends with anyone else. I gasped when I heard someone drop their things on our table and turned my head to look at them. I shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Ares stood in front of me, in all his handsomely glory. Next to him, was Bash. Diana and Edina weren't in this class, and I should have expected this. "So, partners?" He smiled at me with those perfectly white teeth and all I could do was smile back at him. "Yeah, why not? It'll be interesting." Maya was the one who spoke, as I was still staring at Ares. Shit, I'm staring! I couldn't help it those eyes were so dreamy.... I quickly took a deep breath and looked at Maya, feeling my cheeks getting warm.

The teacher, a nice old lady, walked around the class and handed out a sheet. I placed it in the middle and on the top of that paper was a giant word, 'Genetics'. I glanced at Bash and saw him already staring at me. He chuckled, knowing I looked at him in panic because of my non-existent science skills. We had to assign a group leader as well. "How about Amira? I haven't known you for long enough but you seem like the kind of girl who studies a lot." I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. I shrugged, I probably do study more than the average rate, definitely more than these two slackers. "No, Amira sucks at science and I mean she really really doesn't get a thing." I expected Maya to say that, but instead Bash did. "How do you know that Bash?" Maya replied. She was looking at him, faking innocence. I looked down on the sheet, not wanting to see his face. "Even I know that, having done that project with her." Ares winked at me after he said that. I remembered how he did most of the work and blushed again.

"We're both pretty good at science, one of us should be leader." I shrugged, I didn't really care. As Bash said, I'd pick him or Ares, Maya was normal at science.

Ares took the paper and scribbled his name on it. We filled out basic stuff, and decided to meet up at Bash's house later to start working. Ares is bringing his siblings, because his dad is busy and he can't leave them alone.

The day went by pretty normally, Hailey and Allison kept teasing me at lunch, because Ares invited me and Maya to sit at their table but we declined. They kept making kissing faces and laughing. After school, at Bash's house we were all sitting in his bedroom, me and Bash were on the bed, a couple of papers lying next to us, Maya was sitting on a small couch, researching online. And Ares was on the floor, not really sure what he was doing. We gave the twins UNO and let them play in the living room. "So, I think we should just brainstorm ideas first and things we have to research, and then divide it between us." We all nodded and before Bash could get up, I went to his desk to grab a paper and pen. "How did you know you'd find it there?" I froze, glancing at Ares who had his eyebrows raised. "Where else would he keep this stuff? I mean, there is no way I'd simply know he has them here, because I was here before. It was just a guess." Ares rolled his eyes, reaching over for the piece of paper, I handed it to him, and before I could pull back, he grabbed my arm and pulled me to him. "Hey!" I landed on his chest and scoffed at him. I placed my hand on his shoulder and pushed myself back. "Your lips twitch when you lie Bambi." He said it so low, I doubt the others heard it. He was close, too close. I could feel my heart beating fast as he glanced down at my lips. I quickly pushed myself up and cleared my throat. "I'm going to check up on the twins." I gave the others a tight smile, avoiding Ares and quickly exited the room. As I was going downstairs I heard the twins arguing.

"Do you think Ares will lock us in our room today?" It was a boy's voice. "I don't know, I just hope he gives us food that isn't burnt." What the hell? This is not how normal kids have conversations these days. Why would Ares lock them up, or give them burnt food? I figured since he never mentions anything about his mom, she must not be in the picture. Maybe she is in the military like my dad. Maybe he can't cook and keeps burning dinner. I snuck a quick peek at them and saw that they were still playing. So, I rushed upstairs.

After we finished doing a considerable amount of work, Ares offered to drive us home. Maya declined, saying she is walking home because she needs the exercise after eating all those snacks. She and Bash ate a lot. It was a 20 minutes' walk so it's fine. The twins had fallen asleep and were resting in Ares' car. He walked me to my doorstep and I invited him in. "I got to go home, especially with the twins so sleepy, it's past their bed time."

I went into the kitchen, knowing he'll follow me and got the leftover lasagna out. "My mom always makes too much, it'll be a shame if it goes to waste." I handed him the lunch box, but he was still staring at it. He looked angry, like really pissed. "I'm not your fucking charity case, who the fuck told you that we needed food anyway." I narrowed my eyes at him. "Look, I overheard your brother talking; they don't exactly like burnt food. It's not a charity case, it's just dinner." I handed him the box again, pushing it on his chest a bit this time. "You're right, I'm sorry. I just got to admit, cooking isn't my strength." I nodded at him and smiled, before leading him out the door. "Why did you call me Bambi earlier?" A wide smirk graced his lips, and I almost forgot to listen to the answer. "You're wearing a Bambi bra." I didn't even realize that I wore it today! Damn, is this embarrassing or what? "If I kissed you now, would you slap me?" I didn't believe I could blush more, until he said that. I must have had something to drink that night, otherwise I would have never dared to slap him. "I'm sorry for slapping you, I shouldn't have done that." I was still blushing. "And I shouldn't have kissed you." He shrugged, I'm pretty sure I didn't hurt him, but it's insulting to be hit, especially on the face. "That doesn't answer my question though." I didn't notice that he was getting closer until he stood right in front on me. "I don't kiss before the first date." I might still be blushing, but at least I'm being honest. "So how about a date then? Let's say Wednesday, we go bowling?" That was not was I expected. I nodded, worried if I spoke I'd stutter way too much. I closed the door after he left and slid down on it.

"All that, for a boy?" I let out a startledscream, and saw my mom standing there. "When did you get home?" I'm hoping shedidn't see the whole thing. "I was home before you were. I told you not to wearthat bra anymore, it's small, your boobs are practically pushing out of it." Inmy defense, It was my favorite bra, that, and my Beauty and the Beast bra.

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