Chapter twelve

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"Okay look, I've had a crush on you since we met, now I know I never told you. But I always figured you somehow knew, I mean, why else would your ex-boyfriend suddenly dump you? I told him to, well, I broke his nose and threatened to do a lot worse if he didn't. You needed a real man and he was a wimp." My mouth flew open. What the hell. I did not expect this at all. Bash is the biggest womanizer I know, or possibly, on this planet. He threatened Todd? I thought he broke up with me because he finally saw how unattractive I am. Bash started to come closer, until he was standing between my legs. I still haven't moved from my spot, but honestly, this all just feels weird... and wrong.

"Bash, I don't-" He placed a hand over my mouth and I looked at him confused. "Just let me finish. The thing is, I just thought I'd have fun with other girls during high school and confess to you after. It's why I hung out with you, so you'd be interested in me and no one else. And it's why I call you fat sometimes, I wanted you to stay fit for when we date later." I was starting to get a bad feeling, not only was what he was saying completely wrong, he was also placing his hands on my waist, which felt uncomfortable beyond words. I grabbed his hands and tried to pull them back, but he just tightened his grip. "Bash, you're starting to freak me out, would you just let go!" I tried to wiggle my way out of his arms but he wouldn't instead he yelled and punched the bed. "Enough! You're no listening to me." I felt paralyzed, not only have I never heard him shouting like that, but I started to feel unsafe.

"You see, Ares was the one guy that I couldn't scare off! That son of a bitch just had to like you of all people. And that proposal, god, was that sappy. And you! You actually fucking said yes, when you are mine!" I tried to calm my breathing, panicking will nothing now. I tried to speak as calmly as I could. "Bash, let's talk about this later okay? Why don't you just let g-" He let go of me and turned around. I glanced at the door. If I made a run for it, would he catch me? Something told me I had to get out of there fast. I took a deep breath, made sure he wasn't looking and ran.

The door was locked, that was the first realization. The second was that Bash must have had his eye on me all along, because not a second after I moved, he did too. He spun me around on the door and put his hand on either side of me. "You see, you are still going to be mine. Because Ares wouldn't want damaged goods, right? No one will want you, if I had you first. Don't worry I'll take good care of you. You are my girlfriend, you belong with me." He kissed me, and I willed myself not to cry, think Amira, think! I kissed him back, obviously surprising him, since he pulled back. "You're right, you are so right. I was just being with Ares to make you jealous. I wanted you to come for me faster." That's it Amira, nice and slow. "Now that I finally know how you feel about me, we can be together!" I kissed him again, he hasn't talked since I started speaking but he was certainly beginning to relax. He relaxed completely after I kissed him, his mistake.

I hadbeen subtly moving my leg between his. I kneed him in the groin. Making himgroan out in pain and let go of me to grab his man parts. I grabbed his headand leaned it down, bringing my knee up to hit him. I let him go after that,letting him fall to the ground, groaning in pain. I ran to the window andmanaged to open it, screaming in relief when I saw Ares in my bedroom. Thankgod he came early. "Ares! Over here! Help!" Ares looked over confused beforecoming to my window. "What are you doing over-" I didn't hear the rest of it.Bash grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled me back, hitting my head on thedesk. I felt the pain rush to me, I felt the dizziness overcome me and I sawhim stand over me. But most importantly I heard Ares shouting his name inanger. Through blurry eyes I saw two figures... fighting? One was over the otherpunching repeatedly. Ares, he was winning. I whispered his name before I shutmy eyes, for they have become too heavy to keep open.

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