Chapter four

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She wasn't there, but I saw some guy slip something into a red plastic cup secretly. He made his way to a girl while I watched. I saw him giving the drink to the girl, Diana. I pushed my way through the crowd quickly, trying to get there before she drank. "Don't drink that!" The few seconds that took her to turn around and look for the sound gave me the chance to get to her. As soon as I got there, I snatched the cup away from her. "I saw him putting something in it!" Diana looked unsure, she was looking between me and the unknown guy, who I haven't seen at school. "Of course not babe, you know I wouldn't do that to you." I felt like she was about to believe him, so I turned to him glaring. "If you don't believe me, have him drink it." She took the cup from my hand and held it up for the guy. "Well, you heard the girl, drink it." She looked fiercely right now. I glanced back at the guy, he looked pissed, I swear he looked like he was going to attack me at any second. Someone put a hand on his shoulder, making him stop. "Let's not do something you'll regret." Ares pulled the guy back and gave him a look that clearly said to leave. "Are you two alright?" He was glancing between me and Diana, but his eyes then fixed on Diana. Something about her expression alarmed me, she looked like she was trying to get over something. She then had that fierce look on her face again, before she turned around, went to the DJ that I didn't even know was there. "Party's over!" Her voice boomed through the speakers.

The music was turned off. Ares and Bash started to show people outside. I still couldn't see Maya, so I went to the DJ and tapped Diana on the shoulder. "Can you tell Maya to come to the kitchen?" I was pointing to the speakers so that she didn't get confused. "Maya, get your ass to the kitchen right now." Her voice sounded powerful echoing through the place. I climbed down and went to the kitchen, waiting there. I sighed in relief when I saw her strawberry blonde hair approaching. She was looking around, probably trying to figure out why the hell Diana would summon her to the kitchen. I hugged her as soon as I saw her. "Thank god you're okay! You know I worry about you when you go to a party." She pulled out her phone and saw my missed calls. She secretly loves that I worry but hates that I worry so much. She looked at me guiltily, biting her lip. She bites her lip every time she feels guilty. She also does the whole 'puppy dog eyes', she doesn't actually mean to do it, she does it automatically. It makes it very hard to be mad at her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and smiled standing next to her. "If you two kiss right now, I wouldn't mind." Bash slowly entered the room. Diana, Edina, and Ares trolling behind him. That comment came from Bash, naturally. "Well this party was a bust." Edina flicked her hair out of her face, and looked up and down on me, as if she was analyzing me. "Who says the party is finished?" Ares walked forward, grabbing a bottle of beer from the table and took a sip. "Alright, we can have our own little party." Edina said that smirking, so I really don't want to know what is going through her head.

"Okay... We will be heading out then." My hand was still around Maya's shoulder, so when I started to walk so did she. "Why don't you stay?" Diana stepped in front of us, making us stop. I automatically glanced at Bash to see his reaction. He was looking down, avoiding eye contact with everyone. "Yeah, stay." Ares took another sip from his beer after saying that. I swear to god, that voice does wonders to me. My first answer was going to be no, but I mean, a night with that gorgeous human being? Count me in. I glanced around and saw Edina. I somehow came to my senses then. Stay at a party, because a boy said so? Okay, because Ares said so? Since when am I so attracted to him? I was about to decline their offer, they asked us to stay so they would seem polite anyway. "What do you think Bash?" Maya was staring at Bash, she probably noticed him avoiding the situation. Her tone was as if she was challenging him to tell us to go home. "Um, I wouldn't mind it if you guys stayed... But, I just don't think this is Amira's scene." He was right, of course, he knows that much. "How would you know her scene?" Edina crossed her arms and smirked, she shook her head slightly before turning to us. "I for one would love to know how you got your hair to look so natural!" She was looking at Maya when she said that. That was a question she gets asked a lot. "Actually, this is my natural hair color, you like it?" Maya absolutely loved her hair. "No way! Wow, now that is unique!" Diana twirled one of Maya's strands around her finger, she smiled at Maya brightly. "Alright, can we end this chick flick and start with the real party?" Ares put his arm around Diana and led her out of the kitchen. I think he assumed we were just going to follow him, we did. I texted my mom real quick that I was going to be late and took a deep breath. Maya took my hand and led me after them, that's when the party started.

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