Chapter eight

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He knew an ice cream place near the bowling alley, which we are in right now. It was cozy, but so deserted, that I wondered how they keep the business running. "Can you order for me? I hate ordering, I always start stuttering and sweating and-" He laughed, interrupting me. "It's fine, what flavor do you want?" He looked over at the aisle, and there were flavors more than I thought were possible. Every fruit, some vegetables, different chocolate, one was soap, which is just weird, but intriguing. "I don't recommend the soap one, tastes a bit like blueberry, only cleaner." I chuckled, and looked again, until I found the one I was looking for. "Brownies, with sprinkles, please." He smiled at me, and nodded, before walking up to the elderly women there. "Grandma, my regular and one brownie with sprinkles, please." He smiled again, a sort of smile you smile at your grandparents, he oozed respect and love. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your date there?" She said it in a teasing tone. "This lovely lad, is Amira. Amira, this is my grandma, Suzie." I smiled and waved shyly. As she handed us the ice cream, I noticed we didn't have to pay. She told us to enjoy, before Ares grabbed my hand and led us to a booth. "So, is she from your mom's side, or your dad's?" I tried the ice cream, I've had brownie ice cream a lot of times, but this was by far the best I have ever tried. I heard him laugh, and I looked up at him, moving my eyes from the delicious treat in front of me. "Did you say something?" I smiled sheepishly, hoping he would say no, so I wouldn't be caught not being attentive. "Actually yes, she is from my mother's side, but they aren't her real parents. My real grandparents kicked my mom out when she got pregnant with me." He said it so casually, I almost didn't believe it. "Then how come you're so happy about it?" I was confused, for sure. "That night, she packed her stuff and came to this very shop, sat on this very table. She didn't want anyone to see her crying. But Suzie did, she sat down with her, gave her some ice cream and smiled so kindly, my mother felt as if everything might actually turn out alright. They took her in, let her work here, and took care of her. My mom was at her happiest here. I heard this story a hundred times and I would happily hear it a hundred more."

The passion in his voice had me entranced, he had this way of talking. You can clearly tell how much he loves that story. "So where is she now?" I regretted that question immediately. His face turned grim, he looked pissed and sad. He clenched his jaw before he spoke again. "It doesn't matter. Where is your old man? We missed him at dinner." A small smile made its way to my face. "He's in the army." "Ah, a military man, respect. Must suck though, not seeing him often?" I gave a forced chuckle. "Yeah, sucks." It was silent after that, and I suddenly became aware that Ares had not let go of my hand since we sat down. He gave it a small squeeze, before standing up. We had both finished the ice cream as we went outside, saying goodbye to Suzie of course.

"I should probably get you home soon, unless you want to come to my place for a bit." He sent me a wink, showing that he was kidding. He threw me the keys again, and I caught them in the air. Cheering when I did. He gave a small laugh and got in. As soon as I started to drive, he turned on the radio. I glanced at him, seeing his cheeky smile and instantly started singing! I was surprised to hear him singing, not by his voice, which was terrible. I was surprised by how silly it was that he was singing this song. The whole car ride consisted of us singing our hearts out. Pulling up to my drive way, I gave him back the keys. Instead of simply heading for the driver's seat, he wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me to my door. We faced each other at my doorstep, his other arm making its way around my waist as well. He pulled me even closer, but he didn't lean in. "I remember a condition in the bet... How did it go again?" He pretended to think as I faked a glare at is direction. "Right! I remember a kiss being mentioned." I faked a sigh in disappointment. "Well if it was in the bet, I guess..." I didn't finish that sentence, both of us already leaning in, I could feel his breath on my lips.

"Well this is a surprise." We both pulled away instantly, as if the other person was burning. We looked at the one standing inside my house. There, in all his height and muscles, stood my dad.

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