Chapter nine

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My dad stood there, his arms open and smiling brightly at me. He didn't have to wait long, before I threw myself into his arms. "Daddy!!!!!!" I squealed, not believing he was really here. He hugged my tightly before he let go, wincing. "Ear, ear, sweetie." He covered his ear and I laughed, brushing it off. I almost forgot that Ares was there, until my dad extended a hand to him. "My name is Ares, sir. I apologize that you found us in such a compromising position."

He shook his hand and I was surprised not to hear a whimper come out of him. I know my dad usually shook hands pretty firmly. With my boyfriends, a bit too firmly. Ares remained smiling, even while letting go. "So, if you don't mind, I 'm going to spend some time with my little girl right here. Although, not so little anymore, am I right?" He made this gesture, as if he had a big belly, even though he didn't. I figured he was talking about me, and I hid behind him a bit, felling Ares's gaze on me.

I looked up again, seeing him giving my dad a tight smile, nothing like before. He turned away and left, not saying anything, and I sighed. Great, my dad just had to point it out, now Ares won't like me anymore, at least, not like that. I went inside, following my dad. We spent the rest of the night catching up. Surprisingly, he didn't ask me about Ares.

I laid in bed, not really wanting to sleep. I was overjoyed that my dad was finally here. It won't be long before he leaves though. My phone chipped, I ignored it, must be another group chat or something. It started chipping again and again. Wanting to turn the sound off, I opened it. I gave my phone to Ares to put his number in, when we were working on the science project. The King Ares flashed at my phone. I don't know if I roll my eyes, or smile. I did both. I opened his texts and tried not to laugh out loud so my parents don't hear me.

- Hey, hey, guess who?

- You there?

- You can answer me when you get online.

- Where are you?

- So bored....

- Okay, now you're just being rude.

- You aren't being rude, I'm such an idiot, your dad is there. You probably want to catch up.

With all of that was a bunch of emojis that were just hilarious. I lay more comfortably so I could reply.

- I'm here, did you lose anything?

- No??? Why would you think that????

- Why else would you text me? duh

- That definitely doesn't deserve a duh, maybe I want to text you because I like talking to you? DUH, HA

- Aww, you got attached already? How sweet

- I am not sweet, ask anybody! Plus, if you don't want me to text, then I won't.

- No wait!

I waited a few minutes, which felt like hours to be honest.

- Okay, maybe I did get attached. Is that so wrong?

- I was just teasing you, sorry

- It's fine. I know a way you can apologize.

- How?

- Well, what are you wearing?

- OMG, that could not have been more predictable!

- I know, I know. But really, is what you're wearing appropriate enough for me to see you in?

- Not really...?

- Okay, then put something on and open your damn window already.

I didn't bother putting anything on, I was wearing a tank top and some shorts, really short shorts. I looked out the window and almost screamed when his face came from outside. I opened the window and just stared at him, resting comfortably on a thick branch. "You know how cliché it is that you have a tree outside your window that happens to have a lot of branches so I can climb." I kept staring at him. He put his leg over the window and got in with ease. I took a step back so he would have some space. His eyes raked over my body and grinned, his eyes finding mine. "I mean, I don't mind you staying like that, but if your parents come in, this is going to look very wrong." I looked down and realized just how less I was wearing. I'm not even this naked at a beach! I jumped to the bed, wrapping the covers around me. I felt my cheeks heat up, obviously I was blushing. He took a long look around my room, then out the window again, tugging on the rope from me to Bash's room a little bit. "Interesting." He walked around a bit more, opening some books on my shelf and checking the end. "I wanted to read this, just thought it was too long, so it would probably be boring." I scoffed at him, finally finding my ability to talk. "That is one of my favorites! And what the hell are you doing here anyway?" I saw him smirking before he turned around, putting my book again on the shelf. "I thought we already established that I got attached, sweetie." He turned to me, showing me that drool-worthy smirk of his. I gulped nervously and took a deep breath.... Ares... is in my room... ARES IS IN MY ROOM! I tried to calm myself down. I mean, it's only the HOTTEST person I know in my room. "Is that you and Maya?" He picked up a picture that hung on the corner of my mirror. It was taken in freshman year, we looked like dorks then, I still do. "He put it back and moved on, searching for something to capture his attention. I realized it too late. There stood Ares, approaching me slowly, with the first place ribbon that we won in the sixth grade. I was definitely blushing now. "So.... Good memories?" He smirked again, and I remembered that I hugged him after it was victory was announced. I pulled away quickly, realizing that that was totally not cool from me.

"Whatever, I kept that because it's the firstand last reward I'll get in science stuff anyway." I snatched it from him, thecovers still around me and walked to my board, putting it there again. I turnedaround to see him resting comfortably on my bed. He looks so good.... Snap out ofit, Amira! I cleared my throat looking at him like he was crazy. "Come on, Iwant to cuddle!" Never in my entire life had I imagined hearing that out of hismouth. The way he said it sounded so childish. It was so adorable, I awed."Hey! Hey! None of that, got it? Stop cooing, I'm hot, not cute!" He lookedoffended, though it was clear that he was just teasing. Though I realize nowthat he said that rather loudly. "Would you keep it down? My parents aresleeping. In fact, get out!" He pretended not to hear me, taking his jacket,shoes and socks off. I honestly have no idea what to do. On one side, if myparents catch us, I'll be in big trouble. On the other hand.... Its Ares, how cananyone say no to cuddling with him? So, I did, we cuddled, talked practicallyall night. I fell soundly asleep in his arms.

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