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Normani Kordei

Tuesday, September 6, 2018

Santa Ana, California

My alarm clock buzzes, jolting me out of my sleep. 6:30 a.m. Time to get ready for the first day of junior year. I hear the hiss of hydraulic brakes outside, making me jump.

I hop out of bed and turn off my alarm, then I stagger over to to the window of my room. Looking out it, I see a moving truck at the house across the street. I furrow my brows as I see a girl around my age hop out of the passenger side of the truck, and begin walking to the house.

"Mani , you up?" I hear my sister, Camila , ask.I turn around, smiling,"kinda. Why?""Junior year!" she squeals, jumping up and own. I roll my eyes at her playfulness,"yea. Just two more years.""yes," she drags out, throwing herself onto my bed.

I walk over to my dresser and look at my outfit I set out last night.'You going to dance tryouts on Friday?" Camila asks.I nod, picking up my phone off of my nightstand and unplugging it from the charger. Turning it on, I see that I have 11 text messages from the football quarterback, Trevor Jackson.

Reading all of them, I see that they are saying good morning and he's telling me how much he thinks about me. I feel my face blushing as I set my phone back on the dresser."Aww. Mani got a text from Trevor." Camila says in a baby voice, laughingI flip Camila off and begin putting on my clothes.

" Camila  says in a baby voice, laughingI flip Camila off and begin putting on my clothes

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"Why won't you go out with that boy?"Camila asks as I get dressed."Because, he is a player," I reply."It takes one to know one," Mila advises."I'm not a player. I just have a lot of options." I state, sitting on my bed and pulling my Heels on.

"A lot of options," Mila draws out."yep," I reply."A lot." "Okay, I get it," I say, a chuckle escaping my mouth."hope you know you got competition," Mila says, referring to the dance tryouts."Who," I ask, looking back at her."Zendaya," Mila informs, raising her eyebrows.

I laugh at her name,"Please. That little girl ain't about nothing. Just because she's cute doesn't mean she's good.""But she is," Mani says as I get off my bed and walk into my bathroom,"and if you don't step up your game, she'll be new captain." I pick my hair brush off of the sink.

Running my brush through my hair, I speak,"I doubt that. I highly doubt it.""Okay," Mila says. I hear her phone ring in her room adjacent to mine, then her running out of my room to answer it.As I finish brushing my hair, I hear the sound of a ball bouncing outside.I walk back to the window and look for the source of the sound. I find it, seeing the same girl bouncing a ball and shooting on a basketball goal that she must've just set up. I watch as she moves so gracefully, equivalent to a dancer, the way she's light on her toes.

She runs with such speed, it looks like she's barely touching the ground."Normani ! Camila! Breakfast!" My mother shouts, startling me. My head hits the window, making a sharp pain go through my temple."Ow," I say, cursing under my breath. I look back up, through the window, and see that the girl stopped and is looking up at my window.

I quickly step away from the window and end up tripping over my feet. I land on the floor beside my bed."Normani ! Come on! Breakfast!" My mother yells again."Fuck," I curse under my breath,"I'm coming!"

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