
313 19 15

8:30 p.m

"What?! Why not?" Trevor yells, startling me."Because..." I trail off, getting off of the living room couch. He follows suit as I walk into the kitchen in search of a bottle of water,"Because of what?"I don't answer.

Instead, I walk into the kitchen and open the refrigerator.Suddenly, I feel Trevor tug my arm, pulling me backwards.

I whip around ,"don't you ever  put your fuckin' hands on me!" "Tell me why you won't go with me,"He demands softly,"I mean, can't you tell that I've  liked you for a while?""I'm not the type for relationships..." I trail off, avoiding his piercing eyes.

"Not the- what the fuck does that mean?!"I roll my eyes,"well-"Trevor then starts chuckling in a sinister type way, interrupting me."I got it," he says, pinching the bridge of his nose."Get what?" I ask, nervously.

He's definitely scaring me the way he's laughing."It's that girl, huh?" He asks, narrowing his eyes at me. "W-what girl?" I ask, still oblivious to the situation."That fuckin'... green-eyed girl.

The one that lives next door to you! The one that everyone is drooling over. It's her, Isn't it?" He asks, almost threateningly."No-wha- how did you know that she lives next door?" I ask.

Trevor  points a finger at me,"dodging the question, I see."With that, he lets go of my arm and storms out of the kitchen. I stand there confused. I hear the front door open, making realization hit me like a freight train. I rush after Trevor,"what are you doing?"He doesn't answer.

I walk outside and see that he's walking to the girl and Lo, who are sitting on the sidewalk eating ice cream. Oh no...


"Hey, hey. Look," Lo says, tapping my arm just as I'm about to take another bite of my ice cream cone. I look up from my cone and follow her finger to see "Trevor" coming out of Normani's  house and storming over to me.

In the setting sunlight, I see that he has a visible mug across his face."What's his problem?" I ask, confused as to why he's coming towards me."I don't know," Lo shrugs."So you fuckin' with my girl?" Trevor asks, coming up to me I  drop my ice cream in surprise,"w-what?""I asked is you fuckin' with my girl?" He repeats.

"I'm not your girl!" Normani exclaims, finally catching up to him."Shut the fuck up," Trevor grits."What?"  Normani screams, surprise evident in her voice."Aye," I say, standing up.

As I do, I see that a look of surprise cross his face when he sees that I am just as tall as him."Nobody's fucking with your girl. I suggest you back off before something bad happens to you," I say, calmly but dangerously.

I hear Lo stifle a laugh and Normani gasp quietly. I can tell that they have only seen one side of me and this whole new side is surprising them.

"I suggest you back off, Hawaii . I don't hit girls, but I'll fuck your shit up if you cross me the wrong way," Trevor  warns, but his threat doesn't faze me.

I wave him off and nod towards Normani ,"you betta get ya boyfriend." I say, putting emphasis on the word boyfriend. The nerve he has to come here and accuse me of something I didn't do is pissing me off to the fullest. I have been here for one day.

And this is already happening."Trevor , come on, you need to go. You didn't even have to do this," Normani says, pulling his arm.

But, it's no use because he's mugging me so hard and I'm doing the same back."Trevor..." Normani pleads."Betta listen to ya girl" I say, smirking. I watch as he blinks twice then lets his guard down.

Normani takes that chance and grabs him my his ears, pulling him away. As soon as they do, Lo bursts out laughing,"duuuude. He mad because he got rejected so hard."I shake my head and turn around,"I have been hea fa one day..." Lo laughs some more,"right."I nod towards my house,"I'm going in. I'll see you later?"Lo looks back at my house,"I'm going in with you."

"What?" I ask, confused."Remember. You said that we were going to play 2K," Losays, smiling."Yea, I forgot. Come on," I say, motioning her to follow me. "Damn. You got  2K18?" Lo asks, flopping unto my bed. "What?" I ask, turning around from looking for some clothes in my dresser drawer.

She holds up a case and sure enough, there is 2K18 printed across the front. My mouth drops open. Man, I love Ally for this."You wanna play right quick?" She asks, holding up a Xbox joystick.I shake my head,"not right now. Gotta take a shower." Lo pouts, which is the cutest thing that I've seen so far. "Can I join you then?" Lo asks, making me choke on air.

"W-what?" I ask, feeling my ears starting to burn. Lo  then laughs,"I'm just joking. Hurry up so we can play." I nod and gather my clothes then walk into the bathroom.Almost 20 minutes later, I step out of the shower, a white towel around my body. I dry myself off and begin putting on my clothes. "Come on, Curry! You can't be missing shots like that!" I hear Loyell at the game.

I smile and reach for my shirt, but I don't find it. Shit. I forgot my shirt. I look down and see that I just have on a sports bra and some grey basketball shorts. I then walk to the door and peek out of the bathroom.

Lo is still engrossed in the game, so I rush to the dresser a few feet away. I hurriedly look around for a shirt.As I do, I feel a pair of eyes burning into my back. Shit. I turn around and see Lo staring at me, a smile on her face.

I feel my face burning,"can you stop staring at me?"Lo shakes her head,"no." I shake my head and turn around, seeing that my shirt is on the floor at my feet.

I groan, seeing that it has been there the whole time.I slip it on and walk over to Lo who has a controller in her hand for me. I take it and turn off the light, then I walk back to the bed and sit as far away as I can from Lo . Lo laughs,"get over here. "I shake my head,"nah. You good."

She focuses back on the T.V,"who you playing with?"I shrug,"97 Lakers." "They suck," Lo says, shaking her head."Shut up and play the game."


Well, it's up. Answer these questions:

Lo and Lauren ?

Normani and Trevor?

What do you think Trevor has in store for Dinah? That threat seemed pretty hefty 😂😂

Vote. Comment.

~Trina J.

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