
367 18 5

7:00 p.m
Normani Kordei

I step out of the shower and blindly reach for a towel. Successfully finding it, I wrap it around my body.

The silence in the house is welcoming since Camila said that she was going to a kickback.I walk into my room, heavy in thought about what to wear.

A few minutes later, I am dressed in comfortable grey sweats and a white tank top. Satisfied, I walk out of my room and head downstairs to find something to eat.

As I walk down the stairs, I hear the unmistakable sound of a ball bouncing.

Furrowing my brows, I walk over to one of the living room windows. Peeking through the silk curtains, I see the girl next door bouncing a ball underneath the basketball goal, seemingly waiting waiting for someone.

I see that it's just starting to get into the dusk time period, casting a orange glow outside. I then remember that I have to go get the mail.

I'm expecting a letter from UCLA saying that I've been accepted and so far it hasn't came in yet.I walk to the door, disabling the security alarm, then I head outside.The natural salty air of Santa Ana hits me.

I walk down the warm cobblestone path, barefooted, to my mailbox. As I do, I watch the brown-eyed girl across the street run gracefully to the hoop and bounds into the air, making a perfect layup with ease.

She quickly retrieves the ball and begins to cross up an imaginary person.I shake my head, laughing quietly at her actions and open the mailbox. In the dusky sunlight, I see that I have two envelopes sitting in the mailbox, both looking heavy in weight.

I squeal and pull out the two envelopes. The first one, to my dismay, is for Camila from a college and the second on is for my mom. My mouth drops open and I switch through them again, but nothing is addressed to me.

A groan escapes my mouth and travels into the air. It stops when I feel something lightly push against the back of my legs.I turn around and see that a ball is at my feet. I look up and see the girl from next door walking towards me.

My heart starts racing as I bend over and pick up the ball, juggling the ball and the mail. As she comes closer, I see that she is quite taller than me. Sweat is beading up on her forehead and her collarbone which is quite visible since she's wearing a Golden State Warrior jersey.

"You gonna give me my ball back, or you just' gone ' keep starin' at me , girl?"I take a step back, startled by:

1. Her accent.

And2. How rude she's being when I was just trying to help her.

She takes a step closer to me, leaving a few inches between us. Automatically, chills run down my spine, making me shudder.I mentally curse myself as I watch a smile slide across her face.

That's when I take in her facial features.Her strong jawline which outlined her face. Her dark brown eyes which bore into mine, making me feel smaller than I actually am. She then takes another step towards me, leaving no space between us.

I can feel her little puffs of breath at the top of my head, each one sending a tingling sensation through my body.Fuck. Why is she having this effect on me? And why's she so close to me?

Suddenly, her right hand moves into the space between us, making me jump slightly. She then takes the ball from my hands, making me feel stupid.As my face heats up in embarrassment, I hear the taller girl chuckle.

"What you think I was gunna do?" She asks, almost confidently.I start to say something, but a voice interrupts us,"You ready for this ass whooping, Hawaii ?"The girl's and I's attention turns to Lauren whose walking across the street, a smile on her face.

The girl chuckles and says," I'm not from Hawaii."Lauren laughs, stopping in front of us. That's when she takes notice to me,"hey, Normani ," she says, drawing my name out,"how ya been?"I feel my face heating up as it does every time she talks to me.

"Good," I reply."That's good. Anyhoo... You ready for this game?" She asks, redirecting her attention to the brown -eyed girl."Yeah. Waited all day for it," the girl replies, starting to walk away.

"Alright then. I'll see you later, Mani ," she says as they both begin walking away. I can't help but to feel a pang of jealousy that Lauren and the new girl are already buddy-buddy.

Seems like she got there before I did and I really don't like that.I shake my head and start walking up the cobblestone path to my house.

Once I'm in the house, I turn on the security alarm and walk back upstairs to my room. As I near my room, I hear my phone ringing. I rush into my room and pick up my phone."Hello?" I ask, answering it.

"Hey, Mani ," Trevor's voice comes through the phone."Hey," I greet, sitting down on my bed."So... I was thinking that I can come over today. I have to ask you something about the biology homework.""Biology homework?" I ask, skeptical of his intentions,"is that it?""Well, no." He admits,"I also have to talk to you about something I've been waiting to talk to you about... If that makes any sense."I chuckle and shake my head,"I guess.""Alright then. I'll be over there in five."

"Five? Why so quickly?" I ask, surprise evident in my voice."I just happened to be driving around in the neighborhood, and I thought about you."I can feel my face heating up at the small compliment,"OK. I'll be waiting.""Ok. Bye."

Dinah Jane

"Game point already?" Lo asks, bouncing the ball to me. I nod. We've only been playing for about 15 minutes, but I'm already beating her 20-19. I have to say, she is pretty good. But not better than me.A horn honks, startling me. I turn to my right and see a black Ford Mustang trying to get past us.

I move out of the way and watch as the driver pulls the car into Onika's driveway. I furrow my brows in confusion,"Aye. Who's dat?"Lo turns her head and takes notice to the car too,"Oh. That's Trevor ..."I watch as a stock figure gets out of the car, flowers and a teddy bear in hand.

"Who's dat? You saying Trevor like I know who ya talkin' about," I say. "He's crushing real hard on Normani. From what I see, he's going to go ask her out," She informs.

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