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Normani Kordei

The bell rings just as I finish putting on my school clothes.I decide that from now until Friday, I need to step up my game in order to keep my spot on the team.

I gather my duffle bag and my backpack, then I head for the door.As I open the door, Jaden, Evan, Tristan and Brandon walk out of the locker room, laughing at something.I have to admit, even though they're Trevor's minions, they are some of nicest guys I know."Fat booty!" Jaden greets, licking his lips.

I roll my eyes as they walk towards me,"hey Jae.""Wassup, Mani ," Tristan and Evan greet. I nod towards them in acknowledgment.

Brandon doesn't say anything. He's the quietest out of the four. Tristan and Evan are the bad ones, both in a gang that runs half of Santa Ana.

Jade  is basically just a player and he takes orders from Evan."Where ya headin' to?" Jade asks as I turn and walk out of the gym."To class," I reply, not looking back.

I open the door leading to the hallway and see the heavy flow of students trying to get to class.I mentally put on my right clicker and merge into the crowd.

"So what happened to Trevor?" Tristan asks as we head up the stairs to the second level of the school.I shrug,"don't know. Don't care."I hear Trist chuckle behind me,"whatever you say, ma"I shake my head and walk into my first class I have with them, Chemistry.

I take my place beside Camila and watch as Tristan and his friends rush to the back of the room to their group of friends.As we wait for the teacher, Camila taps me,"I heard what happened with Trevor."

I side glance her as I dig around in my backpack for my necessary supplies,"what'd you hear?"Her eyes wander around, playfully, before she says,"oh, I don't know. That you rejected Robert and got with the new girl!"

"What?!" I whisper-yell,"that's a lie.""Oh, really?" Camila quirks, raising an eyebrow,"that's not what Trevor's telling everyo-"

"Ms. Hamilton ?" The teacher asks."Yes?" Camila and I answer.( a/n Camila was adopted by Normani a mom.) "Either one is good," Mrs. Fleming says.I glance at Camila and she waves her hand,"go see what she want."I chuckle and walk to her desk.

As I do, I hear whispers float around me, but I ignore them."Yes?" I ask, standing in front of the teachers desk.She hands me a note,"can you go to the girls locker room and get these items out of the supply closet.I glance at the note,"sure."

"Great!" She chirps,"please hurry back so you can take your notes for the lab we're about to do."

Dinah Jane  ~

"You still alive down there, bitch?"I don't say anything because I don't think I can.Things never got this bad.

I haven't eaten in what? Almost a month?Its hard to tell when you're tied to a pillar in the basement, with a small 6 inch window to tell of its day or not."I know ya heard me girl ."I feel a punch go to my stomach, making a small whimper come from me.

After they stabbed me in the side a couple of days ago, I've become numb to pain. Probably due to the fact that I lost a lot of blood and I haven't eaten in a while."You don't talk, huh?"I feel the flat of a knifes blade press into my open wound, making a bloodcurdling scream come from me.

"Wake up, please!" A muffled voice pleads.I open my eyes slowly and see a bright light. I then feel myself fall back into the comfortable blanket of darkness.

"No! No! Wake up, come on!" The voice screams, making a pounding sensation go through my head.Shut the fuck up with all that yelling. I just want to go back to sleep."D-don't close your eyes. Please stay awake!" The voice says again.

I slowly open my eyes and that's when all the pain in my body is registered, making me moan in pain.

Oh my god. What happened to me? Why can't I remember anything?"No. Please, calm down. I-I'm gonna get you fixed up," the voice says.

I still can't see her face because my right eye is swollen and my left is blurry.My shoulder is aching and I'm pretty sure it's dislocated.

I can still taste the blood in my mouth and my lip is stinging, so it might be split.Suddenly, I feel the girl pulling me by my good arm and sets me against the wall.

Then I feel a cold towel press against my left eye, making me hiss in pain."S-s-sorry. Just... stay still," she says, dabbing at my eye.When she pulls away, I can see a little.

Normani ...Suddenly, everything flashes in my mind and I duck away from her, out of pure terror.She reaches for me," wait... you're hur-""Don't touch me!" I yell, trying to speak past my busted lip.

A look of surprise crosses her face,"I'm tryin' to help you!""I don't need your help'!" I say, wincing in pain. I hold my hand to my shoulder, trying to diminish the pain.I stand up shakily.

I almost fall, but Normani catches me."What I just say girl ?" I say, pulling out of her arms.I walk out of the locker room, ignoring the dizziness and pounding in my head.As I enter the gym, I groan as the pain in my shoulder becomes unbearable.

I fall to the wooden floor as a wave of dizziness falls over me.What's happening?The feeling in my shoulder send waves of pain through my body.

I suddenly feel drained of my energy and lie flat on the floor, the coldness welcoming me.I guess I'm gonna just take a nap.
Normani Kordei ~

After the girl leaves, I stand there, confused as ever.I look at the floor and see that she left her phone.I bend down and pick it up, then I rush after her.

"Hey, you left your-" I start, but gasp when I see her fall to the floor, groaning in pain.I rush over to her and start shaking her."Wake up. Wake up," I mutter.

Seeing that she doesn't wake, I begin panicking. I turn on her phone and seeing that she doesn't have a code, I call the first name I see.

Calling Ally cat...The dial tone sounds for about two rings before "Ally cat " picks up."Wassup, bitch?""T-this is Normani . Uh... She got really hurt a-""Wait! Where is she?!" Ally cat screams into the earpiece."W-we're in the gym." I say, looking back at the girl lying on the floor.

I see that she's now shaking and moaning."y-you really need to hurry! I think she's having a panic attack or something!" I say, my heart racing."Call the school nurse, girl! I'll be there in a minute.

"I nod and hang up, then I run to retrieve the nurse.


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