
342 22 18

Dinah Jane

"Ball!" I shout, running to the three-point line.I'm wide open, but this Sylvia girl chooses to drive to the hoop and get the ball ripped away from her by Lo.

I huff and start running down the opposite end of the court, hoping to catch up Lo's ass.She goes for an easy lay-up and the whistle blows, signaling the end of the practice.

A collection of groans comes from everybody as we know what the coach is going to make us do next. Suicides..."Alright ladies, gather in," the coach says, softly.

Automatically, I become nervous. Ever since we started practicing, the only thing she's been doing was yelling. And now, she's quiet?We gather around her as she instructs, everyone a panting and sweating mess.

Just as she's about to speak, the volleyball girls walk behind us, chattering. A couple of the basketball girls heads, including mine, turn around so we can check out the girls. Almost all of the girls are giving me looks, some flirtatious and some friendly."Pay attention," the coach says, causing our heads to turn back around to face her.

"Ok, ladies. Listen up. We are a team right?"We all nod, slowly."I mean, and I didn't recruit only one person to play for me, right?" She asks, her voice slightly rising.

A murmur of "right"s come in response."So that means that if a teammate is wide open, what do we do? What is the smart thing to do?"No one says anything because we're afraid it might be the wrong answer.

Mentally, I am laughing because it's about time that Sylvia gets chewed out for the disrespect she's been giving me ever since I came back from my injury."Fowles! What is the smart thing to do, since you're such a bad ass?!" The coach yells at Sylvia ."Pass the ball," Sylvia responds quietly, clearing her throat.

"Right? You see Fenty wide open and you go for the hoop? That's a "maybe" two points, against a free three. Come on, you can't be that stupid. And since you wanna be stupid and cost the team, the team is going to run. Line up at the baseline."A collection of scoffs, groans and muttering comes from the team.

I am among them, considering that it's Friday, I'm tired, and I want to go home."I didn't ask for all that bullshit, line up!" The coach says.As I jog to the baseline, Sylvia breezes past me, purposely bumping into me.

Letting my emotions get the best of me, I trip her, making her tall, heavy body crash to the floor.

Scattered laughter comes from the team as I continue jogging, leaving her be. But almost immediately, she's up and all in my face."What, you think you big now or some shit? That's what you think?" She says, shoving me.

I take a step back, mentally surprised. I can feel the urge to damage her gnawing at me, but I will myself not to."Move tha fuck out my way," I say, trying to push past her. She pushes me again, staring me into the ground."What the hells going on?" The coach asks, stepping between the both of us.

I continue staring Sylvia down, not daring to flinch."Notin' coach," I reply, smirking."Mhm, ya know what? Both of you, hit the showers. Another outburst from either of you, we'll see if anyone else can take your spot."

I roll my eyes and follow Sylvia to the locker room. A word is not exchanged, and I am grateful for that. Wouldn't have to hospitalize someone else.

As soon as we turn the corner and walk into the locker room, I am once again greeted by pure nakedness. I gotta get used to this...I shake my head and continue walking through the locker room, my head low."Wassup, Mani?" I hear Sylvia's voice ask.

I look up and see that Sylvia and Normani are against Normani's locker.Mani has a flushed expression across her face and I watch with my mouth slightly ajar as Sylvia licks her lips, fixes her dreadlocks and stares down at Normani's half dressed body.

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