Was it time?

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Colby's POV
She picked up, "a-a-are you okay?" I hardly managed to stutter out, "I'm sorry I was such a burden" she shakingly replied "MISS GET OUT OF THE WAY!" I heard a deep voiced man yell then a big crash. "BABY NO" I screamed, she didn't reply, the line soon cut off. I couldn't believe what just happened.

Your POV
When I picked up the phone Colby asked how I was, I told him how I was sorry that I was such a burden, I was crossing the road with a girl around about 17, a truck was coming and they tried to break but they couldn't, the tires screeching, leaving black remains over the road. I dropped my phone, grabbed her hand and ran, forgetting how worried Colby may be, all my camera roll, calls, texts were now completely gone. Poof. Just like that. The truck eventually came to a stop, hitting a building. The girl hugged me, crying into my shoulder "thank you so much, I would be dead right now if it wasn't for you" she pulled away. "I love you" She cupped my face as I smiled having a grin slowly appear on my face, "I love you too" I said back to her pulling her in for another hug. The man who yelled at us approached. He was holding his phone up to his ear, his hand was shaking rapidly and he replaced his face of fear with a face of relief. "Are you okay?" He asked "I am fine" the girl said, he looked at me "I'm good" I replied. "I've got the police and a ambulance on the way" he said "can I get your names?" He asked "I'm (y/n)" I told him "I'm Christy" she said "okay girls, I'm Mark, I was so worried about you two. (Y/n) you dropped your phone and ran with Christy, now your phone is smashed and everything on it would be most likely, gone" he said calmly. "Can I call my boyfriend?" I asked, then a ambulance pulled up. "After" Mark stated, a paramedic ran over to us, everything went black.

Christys POV
A paramedic ran over to my hero, Mark and I. Then like that, (y/n) fell to the ground. They took her into the ambulance, I went with them. We sped to the hospital.
Colby's POV
I screamed "SAM WE'RE GOING TO EVERY HOSPITAL IN THIS AREA RIGHT NOW" he looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "IM PRETTY SURE THAT SHE JUST DIED" I had tears running down my face when I said that. "Who just died? Colby are you okay?" Sam asked "(Y/N)!" I screamed, his eyes widened at the sound of her name, he sprung up off of the couch and ran to get his car keys, we got into the car and started driving to the nearest LA hospital.
At the Hospital
I ran inside with Sam, "Do you have a patient here by the name of (y/n) Ocean?" I asked trying to keep my cool. "Yes she was just rushed in by paramedics" her voice shattered my heart. "What kind of state is she in?" I asked "Sir that is classified information but if I knew that you were family of any sort I would let you know" she spoke. "I'm her boyfriend. I love her so much just please tell me what state she's in or at least what happened" I cried "she— she was in sho— I'm sorry I can't provide you with that information" she stopped herself halfway through her sentence. "Ma'am he loves her so much, he was about to propose to her. Please just tell him if she's 1-10 hurt" Sam pleaded "6" she quickly gulped "6?" Sam asked. She shook her head back and forth.
Sams POV
Colby's eyes widened, tears brimmed his eyes, I looked at his face, he turned pale. I lifted my right hand from my side and held his cold left hand. We intertwined fingers, I pulled my phone out of my back pocket with my left hand. I texted the roommates, they were on their way..

// sorry for not updating for FOREVER!! I've have loads of drama going on and girls are bitches blah blah blah, I love you all so much and thank you for 300 reads!! I promise I will update more \\

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