Chapter 5

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     "Wait! Harry," I said. "I, uhm, I forgot. Since I'm here with my school and all, I have curfew and they do room checks." His face suddenly fell. Damnit. I just ruined the night, and possibly my chances of seeing Harry again at all. "I'd risk getting out of it, but it's only our second night here and--" "Will I be able to see you again, though?" he asked, cutting me off. Maybe I hadn't ruined it. "Of course," I said, smiling. "I'd love that." I gave him the address to our flat and told Shannon I was on my way back. He pulled up in the driveway and parked the car. "Thanks for the ride, Harry," I said, "and tonight." He grinned. "I had a lot of fun. I'm really glad I met you," he said. He then reached in his pocket and pulled out his phone, pressing a few buttons and then handing it to me. I was confused. "If I'm going to see you again, I feel that having your number would probably come in handy," he said, sarcastically. Duh. I took it from him and entered my number along with my name. "You better be able to get out of your curfew shit another night. Have your friend cover for you, she owes ya," he said with a wink. "I'll try my best," I said. He placed his hand on my knee, and we locked eyes. My heart was racing. All of a sudden someone started banging loudly on the car window. I nearly jumped out of my seat, when I turned to see Shannon, beer in hand. "Oh, Jesus..." I said as I rolled down the window. "LEX, get your ass inside! The party is about to start winding dow---- OH. MY. GOD," she blurted, looking at Harry. He just smiled and waved. She pulled me in to whisper, rather loudly, into my ear. "THAT'S who I was on the phone with?!" she said. I looked at her and laughed. "Yup," I said. I turned to Harry, who had his arms outstretched for a hug. I leaned in and felt his warm embrace. He smelled amazing. "I'll get in touch with you," he whispered in my ear. "Soon?" I asked, not wanting the moment to end. "Soon," he replied. I got out of the car, waved, and drug Shannon up the stairs to the front door of the flat where everyone was staying. 

     "HOLY.... SHIT," she said as we reached the front door. "You know who that is, don't you?!" she asked. "HARRY FUCKING SEXY ASS STYLES," she shouted. I quickly placed my hand over her mouth, hoping Harry hadn't heard her as he pulled out of the drive way. "Yes, you idiot. I was drunk not blind. And guess what?!" I said. "WHAT WHAT?!?!" she asked. She was way too excited. "I gave him my number. HE wants to see ME again," I said. Wow, that actually felt weird to say. Her jaw dropped. "No fucking way. I'm coming with," she said. "Yeah, we'll see about that," I said, unlocking the front door. I was greeted by all my drunk classmates and was offered more to drink. But frankly, all I wanted to do was go to my room, lay in bed, and replay tonight's events in my head.

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