Chapter 23

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     We mad our way through the line, which was surprisingly long and slow moving. But since I was with Harry, I didn't mind. Thank god he didn't bring up anything that had happened during the previous night. We finally made it to the front of the line, and before we stepped on, Harry whispered something to the operator. As soon as Harry and I stepped into the glass sphere, the doors shut behind us, so that we were the only two inside that car. "Special treatment, huh?" I asked as we slowly rose into the air. He grinned and came over to stand beside me as I looked out the window to see the city of London grow smaller and smaller as we rose higher and higher into the air. "This is incredible," I muttered as we reached the peak of the Eye. I pressed my hands against the glass, staring in awe at the massive city. I looked beside me, but Harry wasn't there. I turned around to see him quickly shove his phone in his pocket. "What?" he asked, trying to act innocent. "Did you.. Did you just take a picture of me?" I asked. "Nooooooooooo," he said cheekily. I was confused. I took out my phone to take a picture of my view to post on instagram. Being the creeper I was, I was already following him. When the app loaded, the first picture on my feed was one that Harry had just uploaded. It was of a girl, but you could only see her backside. And it looked like she was hovering over London. Duh. It was me..

     "Couldn't you get in trouble for this?" I asked him. "What do you mean?" he replied, confused. "I mean, everyone's going to be freaking out. Like your little fan girls," I said. Harry still looked confused, so I figured I'd act if out for him. "OMFG Harry! Whose the mystery girl?! Is she your baby mama?!" I squealed with my hands on my cheeks. He laughed at me and began walking toward me. "Is that what they say?" he asked. My cheeks started to burn as I realized that I had just managed to embarrass myself in front of Harry Styles. He stopped smiling when he was a few inches away from me. "I could care less what they say or think," he said. My face was hot, but not because I was still embarrased. I was nervous. Nervous because his torso was now touching mine, and he had reached his soft hand up and cradled the nape of my neck, pulling me close. "I like you," he said. I guess drunk words really are sober thoughts. I smiled, not knowing what to say. I didn't have to worry about that though, because before I knew it, our faces were centimeters apart. I closed my eyes, waiting for what was about to happen. Harry leaned in and gently pressed his lips against mine for a moment. My entire body was numb. It felt like every thought that was in my mind at the moment disappeared. Harry finally pulled away, blushing. "I'm sorry. I can't help myself," he said, trying to hide the smile that was spreading across his face. "Don't be," I said, my face still hot. I felt his hand still resting on my neck. I didn't even realize that my fingers were slightly trembling. It was like Harry had some strange control over me. "I like you too," I finally said. And I was completely sure of it, too. At that moment there was not a doubt in my mind that I had feelings for Harry that would soon grow into something more. Well, at that moment at least.

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