Chapter 20

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     I felt a tug at the covers I was wrapped up in, so I yanked them up further to cover my face. I figured it was just Shannon, being.. Shannon. "Go awayyyy," I groaned, burrying my face in the pillow. It had to be early, I was exhausted. "Here, drink this, love," said a husky voice. Oh no..

     I had completely forgotten that I was at the boys' flat. Harry's deep voice scared me shitless, only because I was expecting it to be Shannon. I quickly ripped the covers off of me and sat up so fast I soon became light headed. "Good morning to you, too," Harry mumbled. I massaged my temples for a moment befores saying anything, trying to comprehend what had happend last night. "I figured you'd have a headache, so I brought you some ibuprofen as well," he said, holding out a clenched fist. I stuck my palm out and he dropped the pills into it, handing me a small mug of coffee with the other. I popped the pain killers in my mouth, tossing my head back while taking a swig of the coffee to wash them down. "Thanks," I said, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. He smiled and asked me how I was feeling. "Ehhh," I grunted. I realized I was still in Zayn's grungy sweats, so I pulled the covers back on top of me, hoping to hide anything that could trigger Harry's memory of what happened last night. "You're phone has been off the hook for the past two hours," he said. OH MY GOD. "What time is it?!" I blurted out. "Erhm, 9:10, why?" he asked. I ripped the covers off of me once again, and raced around the room, looking for my belongings. "What.. what are you doing?" Harry said, confused. "I forgot to set my alarm. I'm supposed to be ready at my flat at 9:45. This is not good," I said. "I'll drive you," he offered. "No, no, I'll take a cab," I suggested. I didn't want to bother him anymore than I already felt like I did. "No, you won't. I'm driving you," he said, digging through his pockets for his keys. After collecting my personal belongings, I padded over to where he was still seated and pulled him off the edge of the bed, and into a hug. "You're so good to me. Why?" I asked. "You're special," he whispered. I lifted my head from his chest and smiled, caught in the moment. My phone vibrated in my bag for about the twentieth time this morning. "Let's go," I said, grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door. Of course, Zayn was the only other one awake, making coffee in the kitchen. He shot me a piercing glare as I headed out the door. "I'm taking her home," Harry called out to Zayn as he shut the door. Was he actually oblivious to what had happened, or was he just acting like it? Either way, that had gone smoother than planned. 

     I hopped in the passenger seat and slammed the door, as Harry revved the engine of his Range Rover and swiftly backed down the driveway onto the street. "Seriously, pedal to the medal. We don't have much time," I sternly warned him. He placed a comforting hand on my knee, and said "Don't worry. We'll be fine." For some reason, when he told me things would be fine, I believed him and immediately became calm. Weird, right? Well, weird for me. No one has had that affect on me before. I rummaged through my purse for my phone. When I found it, the screen lit up, flooded with missed calls, texts, and voicemails from Shannon. And one from.. Rebecca? I clicked on hers and put the phone up to my ear. "Hey, girl. Listen, you better watch yourself. Because I know what you're up to. Shannon is NOT a very good liar.." I slowly pulled the phone away from my face in fear. What if Shannon blew my cover? What if Rebecca ratted me out? I would more than likely be sent home, which meant I could forget about seeing Harry ever again. "What's the matter?" he asked. I paused for a moment before saying "Nothing.. Hopefully."

     We pulled up to the flat, and I gathered all my stuff in my arms. "Thank you so much, Harry. You're honestly the best," I said quickly, opening the door. "Wait," he blurted out right before I shut the door. "When can I see you again?" he asked. I had no idea what my itenerary looked like for today, so I just told him to text me. After that, he quickly pulled away and sped off, while I pulled out my phone and called Shannon as I headed up the driveway. "Alexis. What the fuck?!" she shouted. "Look, I'm here. I'm assuming there are people already ready in the lobby," I whispered. "Yeah..?" she questioned.  "Create a distraction so I can sneek through the side door. PLEASE," I begged. She hunk up the phone, which I took as her agreement. I waited a few minutes before sneaking around toward the back of the house. I tried to turn the door knob as quickly and quietly as possible. Once I made it inside, I peered my head around the corner. Shannon was on the floor of the living room.. it looked like she was convulsing? Without giving the scene much thought, I bolted upstairs. I threw all my dirty clothes and items on my bed and ran into my bathroom. I didn't have time to shower, so I washed my face, and re-did my makeup. I threw my hair up into a sock bun on top of my head. I rummaged through the clothes I had packed and picked out a cream colored flowy tank, a nude colored blazer and some high wasted shorts and sandals. I actually looked pretty decent for a ten minute time span to get ready. I suddenly heard the door fly open, and Shannon stormed in. I could literally feel the anger steaming off of her. Great. One more thing to brighten my morning.

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