Chapter 1- New Roommate

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Ivy's POV

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Present Day

"Die you filthy bloodsucker! Die!", I yell at my flatscreen while repeatedly hitting the attack button on my PS3 remote. Just as my dark elf is about to eliminate the vampire, my father pushes into my mind using the pack link. Pack link, you ask? Oh right... I'm a werewolf. My entire family are werewolves, actually. My father was Alpha of our pack, The Crimson River Pack, until 2 years ago when he handed the title down to my older brother, Keegan. I am so glad that I was the second born. I am an alpha wolf by birth, but I have no desire to lead a pack.

*Ivy, be down here in 5 minutes. We just got the last of your boxes packed, and we need to head out. You have orientation at 3:00 and you don't want to be late.*

*Be right there* I send back as I save my game and quickly pack up my console and controller. I already packed all of my other games. Yes, I, Ivy Lee Grant, 18 year old college freshman, am a gamer. I mostly play RPGs, but occasionally I will find a fun goofy game, like Oddworld, enjoyable.

I rush downstairs, dodging pack members like a pro, and make it to my father's SUV just before he closes the back hatch. " Wait, Daddy, one more thing. Would you really send me off to school without my BFF?", I ask while raising an eyebrow or trying to anyway. Last time I practiced in front of a mirror I just looked constipated.

" Your best friend really shouldn't be an inanimate object, sweetheart. I love you, but that is just sad." He shakes his head as he frowns at me, but I can see the laughter in his eyes.

" She is not inanimate! She is just trapped in a box. Her name is Evangeline and she is a dark elf." I say while turning up my nose at him. He just laughs as we both climb into the vehicle.

It only takes us 30 minutes to arrive at Willow Hall, my new dorm. It is on the south side of the campus, right at the edge of the forest. I chose this dorm for just that reason. I will be able to go home on the weekends, but I still need a place to run in wolf form while I'm here.

An hour later, I've got my things unpacked in my new room and have just started setting up my game system when the door opens. A girl with long brown hair and black glasses walks in carrying a box. I catch sight of her WOW t-shirt and know that I am in good company.

" H-hi... I'm Emily. Guess we're going to be roommates." She says with a shy smile. Emily is adorable. I can smell that she is human, but I wasn't expecting anything else. My pack is the closest one to this college and I know all of the wolves currently registered because they are required to get permission from the Alpha to be on our territory. No one really minds this rule because it is more for their protection than anything.

 No one really minds this rule because it is more for their protection than anything

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I jump up from my crouch in front of the television and smile at Emily. "Hi! I'm Ivy. It's great to finally meet you." She sits the box she is carrying on her bed and I attack hug her. She seems startled at first but slowly returns the hug. I couldn't help myself. Wolves are very tactile creatures, and we love body contact. Also, she is just so cute and nerdy and I just want to put her in a box and keep her. Ok... that sounds a bit creepy. I just meant that I want to protect her. Yes... that.

When I finally release her from the hug, she steps away quickly and looks around the room. I've decorated my side by putting up a few posters from my favorite games and purple bedding. I notice her eyes light up when they land on my PS3.

" You're a gamer?" She asks, looking surprised. I don't take offense because I know I don't look like what is considered your typical gamer. My long curly red hair is typically styled in wild mess, and I dress in popular fashion. I keep my makeup simple, usually a bit of eyeliner, mascara, and tinted lip balm. I'm beautiful, and no I'm not being conceited. I look almost exactly like my mother did when she was my age, with the exception of my bright blue eyes that I got from my father, and she is the most beautiful woman in the world. Just ask my dad.

" Yes! This is my most prized possession. How about you?" I ask her with a bright smile.

Emily's face lights up and she finally gives me a real smile. " Of course. I love that game!" she exclaims while pointing at my Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion poster. I squeal excitedly as I hug her again.

"This is so great! We are going to be besties, I just know it!"

She returns my hug while laughing softly. " I agree."

After I help her bring up the rest of her things from her Hyundai and we get her settled, we spend the next few hours talking about our game characters and taking turns playing. At 2:30 we head out to the Community Center for freshman orientation. It lasts 2 hours and is so boring. They basically spent the whole time telling us the rules, most of which fall under the lines of being a decent person. By the time it is over, I feel like going for a long run.

I invite Emily along, but she decides to stay in our room to organize her books. She has a lot, most of which I've also read. I follow her back to the dorm and change into my training clothes, a tight purple tank top, black running shorts and grey sneakers. I grab my MP3 player and wave to Emily before heading out.

As soon as I step out of the building, I feel my wolf, Emersyn, perking up. 'Hey, Emmy, ready for a run?'

She chuckles huskily in my head, 'More than you know, Ivy. More than you know.'


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A/N Please comment and vote. I would love some feedback.

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