Chapter 35 - My Hero

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Asher's POV

After I made my bold, and possibly stupid, declaration, Alpha Logan, and Samara huddle together in front of me with their heads close together. They seem to be arguing, but I can't hear what they are saying even though they are only about ten feet away. Suddenly the alpha jerks back.

"We are under attack!" He shouts. His expression clears after a moment and he says in a much calmer voice. "It's just the girl. The warriors will stop her. Nothing to worry about."

I snort out a quiet laugh before quickly clearing my face. They don't know my girl. I've watched her train. Ivy can take on any of the warriors in her pack. I always love watching her kick their tails, sometimes four or five at a time, and that is in human form. In wolf form, she is lethal grace. The way she easily outmaneuvers her opponents before bringing them down is particularly amusing because while she is large for a wolf compared to the ones in the wild, she is significantly smaller than the male wolves. So sleek and deadly. In training though, it is really no more than a game. So, that this man thinks my mate can't demolish his pack knowing that they have me is hilarious.

The calm demeanor of the Alpha evaporates when we hear a loud crash from upstairs followed by a furious roar. I didn't even know wolves could make that sound. Soon after, we hear series of screams, whines, banging, and snarls. The sudden silence is unnerving.

"You should really try to run. Maybe if you get away, Ivy won't come after you." I whisper teasingly. There is no way she will let them go. I don't think they are even capable of moving now anyway. They seem to be frozen in place, staring wide-eyed at the door behind me. When I hear the click of claws coming closer, I add, "Too late."

The door slams into the wall as it is violently pushed open. My captors still don't move however when I hear the stairs creak as Ivy slowly descends. When she suddenly flies over my head to stand in front of me, the sight of her covered in blood has me worried. I really hope none of it is hers.

Alpha Logan finally unfreezes and I shake my head as he begs for his life. I almost laugh when Samara starts blaming him for this because she was the one who had taken me. Ivy is clearly in no mood to listen to them though, so as she lunges at them I close my eyes. I might understand that this is necessary in the world of shifters, but that doesn't mean I want to watch my fiance do the terrifying things I know are coming, especially being as the sound of it almost has me puking. Gah, it sounds gruesome. When it is silent again, I open my eyes. Two bodies are on the floor, but they are almost completely destroyed. That isn't what shocks me though.

My eyes widen as Ivy turns and I catch sight of her eyes. They are a strange green color, and they are emanating a slight glow. "Ivy, baby, what happened to your eyes?" I ask her worriedly. She lowers her head before closing her eyes. I think I've upset her until she looks back up to me. Her eyes are back to the beautiful, slightly darker blue of her wolf form. "Ok, that's better. Are you hurt?"

I watch as Ivy walks around behind my chair until I can't see her. Then I hear the tell-tale sounds of her shifting. When it is over, I hear her walking closer before feeling her fingers working on the rope tying my hands.

"No, I'm fine. Just a few scratches and bites but my shift healed most of them. The important question is, Are you ok? DId they hurt you very badly?" She rushes out.

"Well I still feel a bit fuzzy from the hit that knocked me out, and my eye hurts like a son of a baptist preacher, but all in all I am fine." I reassure her. "Thank you for coming for me."

"I'll always come for you, you know that." She says as she finally releases my hands. "Ok, I'm going to finish untying you and then I'm going to go to that bathroom over there and rinse all of this filth off of me. When I am done, I'll shift back and I want you to get on my back. I want to get you out of here. Um.... and when we get upstairs... you might want to keep your eyes closed. It isn't pretty."

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