Chapter 17- Honorable Intentions

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Ivy's POV

Friday, August 17, 2018

When Friday rolls around, I find myself dreading the coming weekend. I'd been looking forward to it less than a week ago, but now that it means two whole days without Asher, it seems like a cruel punishment. My Dad will be here to pick me up around 4. Asher and I both got out of class at 11 today because his last class was canceled, so at least we had a few hours together before we had to head home. We spent the time relaxing beneath OUR tree. I still love that he called it that. I may be overthinking things, but it feels like acceptance to me. I can tell when he looks at me that he feels more for me than he wants to reveal, but I can be patient. I know I'm already in love with him, but I don't want to scare him away by admitting it too soon.

As the time for my father's arrival nears, Asher walks me back to my room to grab my things. "Hey Asher, do you think maybe you might like to come to meet my Dad?" I ask as we begin walking back towards the lobby. "No pressure or anything. I mean I know we haven't been together long, but you are important to me, and so is he. I was just hoping.... Geez Louise, I'm rambling. Forget it. We can do that anoth-" Asher cuts of my words with a small kiss as he smiles fondly at me.

"Calm down, Ivy. I would love to meet him, I just hope I don't embarrass you." He chuckles. " We both know that sometimes my brain and mouth disagree on what should be vocalized."

I smile at that." Don't worry, he will love you just as much as I do." I snap my mouth shut looking over at him worriedly. Asher isn't the only one with a dysfunctional brain to mouth filter.

He smiles teasingly at my expression before asking in a sing-song voice, "Oh you lo-ove me, do you?"

I can tell by his playful tone that he is only joking, the look in his eyes tells me clearly that he expects me to be embarrassed and deny it, but I can't bring myself to lie to him. He is my mate, and while I understand the necessity for some secrets right now, I will not give him a blatant untruth. Steeling myself for his possible negative reaction, I stand with as much bravado as I can muster and give him the honesty that he deserves. "Yes, Asher. I do. I love you more than anything in this world or the next. I know it is soon, but you are my other half, and I will treasure you for as long as you let me, and even if you turn me away, I will treasure you still, until the last breath escapes from my body."

By the time I finish my declaration, Asher's eyes are so big they practically take up his entire face.He is silent for a long time, but I have learned that this is his reaction to any sort of surprising news, so instead of jumping to conclusions, I wait him out. It takes him several minutes to come back to himself, but when he does, he wraps me in his arms and crushes me to his chest. Burying his face in my neck, I feel him take in a shaky breath before whispering close to my ear, " I love you, too. It is very soon, but I don't think that matters. Being with you feels right, like for the first time in my life, I am who I'm supposed to be. Never would I turn my back on you."

I feel tears prick my eyes at his heartfelt statement. 'Did you hear that, Emmy?' I ask my joyful wolf. 'He loves me!' I practically shout at her.

She laughs long and loud, giddy from this new development.'Yes, my dear human, I heard. I am so happy.' Her laughter dies down, and in a more thoughtful tone, she says,' I think you should tell him soon. I don't think he would run from us, not now, and the longer we keep this a secret from him, the more likely he is to feel betrayed.'

I can see the logic in her statement, but I'm not looking forward to the big reveal. I'm so worried that he will be scared or disgusted by me. 'I know you are right, but not right now. We are about to be apart for two days, and I don't think it is the kind of news to share and run.'

You Smell Like... Mine (Book 1 in the 'You Smell' series)Where stories live. Discover now