Chapter 37 - This Means War

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Asher's POV

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Waking up with Ivy in my arms is the most amazing feeling in the world. Being surrounded by her scent and warmth brings a small smile to my face. I slowly open my eyes, trying to remain still because I don't want to wake her. I look down at her beautiful face, loving how peaceful she seems nestled against my chest. I can't wait for this to be our everyday routine. My smile grows as I watch her cute little nose twitch before she nuzzles even closer.

"Stop staring at me, you creeper." Ivy suddenly grumbles at me without opening her eyes.

"I wasn't." I immediately deny. "I was just... just... um counting your freckles. Yeah."

Her eyes pop open and squint at me before asking, "Baby, you do realize that I don't have any freckles, right?"

I give her my best smile and a quick kiss on the nose before responding. "Of course I know that, my sweet beautiful loving mate. That's why I was looking for so long, I still haven't gotten past zero."

Ivy bursts out laughing. Score! She can't be weirded out if she is laughing, right? I pull her closer and crush her to my chest as her laughter dies down. "Guess what today is?" She asks as she suddenly sits straight up.


"It's your Unbirthday!" Ivy squeals excitedly before jumping out of the bed.

I quirk an eyebrow at her. "My what now?"

"Your Unbirthday, of course, and we must celebrate! We didn't get to have your birthday party for reasons that shall not be named on such a great day. So, today we will have a fantastic time and honor the death of your teens." She tells me as if this is the most obvious thing in the world.

"And how, might I ask, do you plan to do this?" I ask.

"Well, first we will get dressed so get your cute butt out of that bed. Then I will get Brandon and Brock to leave their love nest so that they can sweep you away for a bit while I get things ready." Ivy says as she begins to dig through her closet. "After that, you will just have to wait and see."

"Well alrighty then." I roll out of the bed and head over to my bag. Ivy sends me an adorable smile as she takes her clothes into the bathroom. I take advantage of her absence and quickly change into a pair of dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt.

When Ivy exits the bathroom I go in to wash my face and brush my hair and teeth. I rejoin Ivy in her room just in time to hear a knock at the door. I walk over and open it to find two grumpy faces. I chuckle as I motion for them to give me a minute before going over to Ivy. I pull her close and give her a deep kiss, "I love you, and I will see you later I guess." I say with an attempt at a pout.

She grins up at me, "Yes, you will see me later. Don't worry, it will be totally worth it. I love you, Asher. Now go have fun or something with those two."

"Fine, Bye baby." I tell her before giving her one more kiss then turning and leaving with the guys. "So what's the plan?" I ask them as we head down the hall toward the stairs.

"Well, being as we just found out there is a plan, I figured we could just wing it. Want to do some training? Or we could go downstairs to the living room and watch some movies? We have a pretty big collection here." Brock answers.

I think for a minute as we make our way to the first floor before responding. "Let's check out the movies. Can we get something to eat first though?"

"Yeah man..." Brock checks his watch before continuing, "It's closer to lunch than breakfast, so let's go make some sandwiches. We can take them with us."

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