Chapter 41 - Cool Beans

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Leif's POV

Sunday, December 23, 2018

"Come to me in the gardens. It is your time, little one." I hear the musical voice of the Moon Goddess coming from all around and inside of me.

Not knowing how to respond, I find myself floating towards the moon garden. I'm confused when I suddenly drift to the ground and my vision becomes more limited. I look down and up and when I try to go around as I usually do, I find that I can only see left and right. Looking down again I notice that my once transparent body is now fully formed and covered in fur. I bounce around a little, trying to get a good feel for my new form. This is so exciting! I lift a paw closer to my eyes, but jerk back when it hits my new nose. It's so long! Realizing that I'm keeping the Goddess waiting, I get my legs to start moving, and after a few tries, I finally begin to sprint towards the moon gardens.

 It's so long! Realizing that I'm keeping the Goddess waiting, I get my legs to start moving, and after a few tries, I finally begin to sprint towards the moon gardens

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When I reach the center garden, I find the Moon Goddess waiting for me by a small body of water. Her form is as translucent as mine once was but the light of the moon shines from every part of her. Her white hair flows down and floats out all around her. She is absolutely the most beautiful being in the universe and I feel unworthy to be in her presence, especially now that I'm corporeal. When she beckons me closer, I move forward and bow at her feet.

"Hello, my child. How are you adjusting to your new form?" She asks me with a soft smile.

*I think it's great. I feel so free and real and amazing. Thank you, Goddess, for this wonderful gift!* She lets out a lyrical giggle as I begin dancing around in circles.

"You will be perfect. Oh yes. I shall call you Leif, for you are beloved to me. Now, prepare yourself, child. Your time has come to journey to the earthly plane." She tells me before reaching out to me. The Moon Goddess's hand lands on my forehead and I feel a pulse before I start to fall.

I jolt when my fall ends suddenly. I expect to feel pain but am pleasantly surprised by the softness I find surrounding me. Before I can get my bearings, the most amazing scent reaches my nose. I blindly search for it and feel my face bump against a soft neck. My eyes pop open when I notice that my nose has gotten shorter. I try to bring a paw to my face, but snap out when a hand comes at me instead. That hurts! Ok, I got this. This is apparently another new form. I look down at this body and find one vaguely similar to the form the Moon Goddess has. I have arms and legs, hands and feet, and my fur is very thin. How will I stay warm?

'It's called hair.' I hear a sleepy voice inside my head. I jerk at the intrusion.'Calm down, you'll wake Ivy. Wow, this is weird. You can hear me, right? I'm not just talking to myself?'

'Yes, but who are you?' I ask before feeling a shift in my head. I close my eyes and see the confused face of a human. 'Why are you in my head?'

'Well, technically you are in my head. I guess it is our head now, though.' He grunts. 'My name is Asher. What's yours?'

'The Goddess named me Leif...' I trail off as the delicious scent once again takes over my thoughts. 'Mate!' I suddenly realize. I look over and see a beauty that rivals the Moon Goddess sleeping soundly. 'Mate! We have a mate and she is glorious and I love her. I must prove my worth to her. I have to show her that I can provide!'

'Woah, calm down buddy. How do you intend to do that?' Asher asks.

'Um... I'll... no.... uh... Oooh! I can go hunting! I'm sure I can do it, and I'll catch her the very best of all of the creatures.' I decide as I slowly try to pull myself from the warmth. I fall as I try to stand.

'Hold on, you can give this a go, but not like this. For one, we are naked. Another thing is that I don't think you would be successful in this form. Look over there, do you see the door?' I nod. 'Ok, good. First, you need to open the door.' I pull myself from the floor and shakily make my way across the room. I notice a piece of metal and raise my hand to it before pushing. I grunt as nothing happens. 'Squeeze and twist while you push it, but don't open it too far. You wouldn't want to let too much of the cold in.' Following the instruction, I am finally able to get the door open.

'I did it!' I rejoice. 'Now what?'

Chuckling, Asher says, 'Now you need to shift. I'm not the best person to teach you how, but Ivy has told me about it a bit so let's give it a shot. Try to clear your mind, and then picture your wolf form. When you have it in the forefront of your mind, try to push. Or stretch? Cripes, maybe just try it and see what happens. If all else fails, we can wait until Ivy wakes up and have her show us.'

I think about what he said and try to imagine my wolf body. The image comes to me quicker than I anticipated. Alright, doing good. Here we go. I try pushing the image out, but nothing happens. Stretching doesn't do anything either. I decide to try once more and allow my instincts to guide me as I imagine my furry form taking over. At first it kind of hurts, but it also feels good. Like I'm finally being released from a cramped area. I hold back the celebratory howl that I want to let out so that I don't wake my mate. I want to have food for her when she gets up.

'I am victorious!' I shout to Asher.

'Cool beans.' He laughs out. 'Alright, well whatever you do now is up to you. Definitely not my area. You do you, man. I'm just going to try to rest. Have fun, just don't forget to close the door behind you.' He tells me before fading into the back of my mind.

I push my way through the door and use my nose to nudge it closed behind me. I really hope I can open it again when I return. Deciding that is a problem for later, I turn and make my way into the trees. Raising my nose into the air, I try to catch the scent of prey. It doesn't take long for me to identify a herd of deer to the east. I'm surprised by the knowledge that I have and send up a silent prayer to the Goddess, thanking her for giving me the tools I need to provide for my mate. Then I stealthily take off in the direction of breakfast.

When the scent becomes stronger, I slow my stride and lower myself closer to the ground. Creeping forward on my belly, I finally catch sight of a small herd consisting of 4 does and a buck. I quickly consider my options. I could use the horns to pull the buck back to the shelter where my mate sleeps, but then again, he could use those same horns to stab me and being as I don't have any real experience that would probably end badly. Doe it is then. I study them and am pleased when I notice that one seems to be wandering a bit away from the others. I inch my way towards them but stop before my scent can reach them. Then I crouch, waiting for just the right moment. When the silly animal gets within 20 feet of my hiding place, I leap. Immediately sprinting as I land, I chase the startled doe as I hear the others running in the opposite direction. Ah! This is so exciting!

It only takes minutes for me to outmaneuver the lone deer and grip its throat between my teeth. I lock my jaw around its windpipe and hold on as it thrashes around before slowing and eventually falling still. I keep my position until I hear its heart stop beating and pull back to study my kill. Suddenly I feel an intense rush of sadness that I had to kill this creature causing me to throw back my head and howl a song of sorrow. I sing in respect for what this lifeform has given me with its gift of food for my mate. When I finish, I grip the back of the deer's neck and begin to drag it back the way I came.

The sun has begun to rise as I come upon the cabin. I stop just outside the door, trying to figure out how to open it and decide I will need to take the man form again. I think back on what I did before and use the knowledge I gained to push my body into a shift. It happens much faster than my first try and I find that it is a bit easier to balance this time. I quickly open the door, wincing as it bangs against the wall. I pause to listen, and when I don't hear anything I grab the front legs of the deer and drag it inside. When I get to Ivy's side of the bed, I drop it and am so happy when she opens her eyes. I finally get to meet her! I'm so excited I could scream.

And so I do.

You Smell Like... Mine (Book 1 in the 'You Smell' series)Where stories live. Discover now