Chapter 11- Burpy

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Ivy's POV

Monday, August 13, 2018

When I wake up this morning, it is to the sound of my alarm, rather than my roommate's battle cry. That is mildly disappointing. I do love a good morning slaughter. I get ready for the day before grabbing my books and heading off to my classes. They are all back to back, so I'm done for the day by lunch.

I walk back to my room and find it empty, so I put my books on my desk and head back out. I didn't leave myself time for breakfast this morning and now I am ravenous. I make my way across campus to the cafeteria. After piling a lunch tray with almost everything they have to offer, I find myself happy that I did come alone. I'm not sure how I would explain being able to eat this much to either Emily or Asher. I take my tray to the patio area and sit at a table a bit away from the others. Then I feast. I finish within minutes. Leaning back in my chair, I pat my stomach. I let out a hearty belch just before I register the scent of my mate. His surprised laughter causes my face to flame. Oh dear sweet mother goose, kill me now.

His laughter quickly dies down to a chuckle, and when I glance up, I see that his smile is one of pure joy. " I thought I might find you here." He says as he comes to sit across from me. " Wasn't quite expecting that welcome, though. Geez, I thought I could burp loudly. You have me beat for sure."

I can't help but to return his smile. " Uh... yeah. Sorry about that. I'm really glad to see you though. Are you done with classes for today?" I ask, trying to change the subject. The amused glint in his eye tells me that he knows what I'm doing.

"Not yet, I have one more class this afternoon at 2:oo, so I have a couple of hours free. I hope you don't mind, but I invited my roommate to sit with us, well me, but only because I wasn't sure you would be here. I'm going to go grab some food and will be right back." He says before starting to stand.

I reach out and grab his arm, " Wait, why would you invite him? I thought you didn't get along."

" Well, last night we had a bit of a heart to heart and he really isn't so bad. I think he needs a friend." He squeezes my hand and heads back inside.

A few minutes later, he returns with Brandon in tow. He freezes when he sees me and I see his face pale as I smile innocently at him. It takes him a moment to recover and he cautiously follows Asher to my table. Asher takes the seat to my left, and Brandon sits directly across from me. " Ivy, this is Brandon. Brandon, this is Ivy. My girlfriend." I can hear the happiness in his voice as he claims me as his.

I beam at him before turning to Brandon and offering my hand for a shake. " It's lovely to meet you."

He looks warily at my hand before slowly taking it for a quick shake, and then jerking his hand back. "Y-yeah. Nice to meet you. For the first time. Ever." I roll my eyes at his statement but decide to give him a chance, because Asher seems to think that he is worth befriending.

Asher didn't seem to find his words strange, so that's a relief. They both start eating their lunch, speaking occasionally about the class they just got out of. Brandon does seem to have stopped acting like a jerk, so I don't mind his presence so much. Just as they finish eating, I feel Emersyn perk up. I sense another wolf nearby, so I glance around. I relax when I spot Brock Anders, one of the wolves permitted to be here, pushing open the patio door. That is until I notice him fervently sniffing the air. He is looking all around, but then he stills before locking in on our table. I can hear his low growl as he begins to stalk forward, luckily I don't think it was loud enough to be heard by the other students.

I stand as he gets closer, not really sure what to expect. That is until I hear him speak.

"You smell like.."

Oh no.

A/N: Uh oh. What's this?

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