Chapter 30 - Marry Me

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^^Amazed-by Lonestar^^

Ivy's POV

As I watch Asher walk away from me, I feel my stomach drop. Something is up with him. He barely spoke to me, and I almost always walk him to his last class but today he told me to stay. We've officially been together for a month as of today, and I thought things were going well. With the way he was acting, I'm suddenly not so sure. Emersyn lets out a distressed whine at that thought before curling in on herself.

With a dejected sigh, I turn and walk back to my dorm leaving Brandon and Brock to continue their deviant little mating dance. When I get to my room, I find myself wishing that Emily were here. I could really use some girl talk right about now. She has been acting really strange lately, though. She keeps getting phone calls that she ignores and anytime we are outside together, I've noticed that she is constantly looking around anxiously. Whenever I bring it up, she assures me that it's nothing and refuses to talk about it. I hope in time she will be able to trust me enough to tell me.

Deciding that a distraction is needed, I walk over and turn on my gaming system and tv. Grabbing the remote, I sprawl on my bed and load my Oblivion character. Evangeline is a beautiful dark elf, but you can't let her looks fool you. She is vicious. I spend the next few hours dungeon diving, and when it gets to be 5:00, I save and then grab my things for a shower before heading down the hall to the bathroom.

Once I'm clean, I return to my room and open my closet. Sifting through my clothes, I choose one of my favorite dresses, a white summer dress with red flowers, and a pair of sensible white strappy heels. I pull on my clothes before blow drying my hair. Once it's completely dry, I pull my hair over my left shoulder and twist it into a side braid, allowing a few tendrils to remain loose around my face. Then I apply a light coat of black mascara and a quick swipe of vanilla flavored lip balm. Standing in front of the mirror, I turn from side to side, watching as the front of my dress parts, allowing a peek at my legs. I may be trying too hard to impress Asher, but I'm feeling a little insecure so I suppose it only makes sense.

 I may be trying too hard to impress Asher, but I'm feeling a little insecure so I suppose it only makes sense

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^^Ivy's dress^^

When I deem my appearance suitable, I grab my keys and phone before heading out. I am surprised when I reach the start of the trail to find that there are rose petals scattered across the path. Suddenly, Emersyn perks up.

'Do you think Asher did this? Do you think he did this for us?' She asks me hopefully.

'I think so. I don't smell anyone else.' I tell her as I continue down the path. I'm simultaneously relieved that I dressed up and annoyed that because I dressed up I have to move more slowly to keep from destroying my dress and shoes. When I finally get close enough to catch a glimpse of Asher through the trees, I can't hold back my relieved smile realizing that this must be what had him so preoccupied earlier. The scene before me is lovely. I see string lights twinkling all over the trunk and lower branches of our tree, and it looks as though he has set up a picnic for us, just like that night that feels like forever ago.

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