Chapter 29 - Epic Freak Out

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Asher's POV

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The next few weeks fly by, what with classes, homework, and wrestling lessons with Brandon. Oh, and I can't forget spending time with my girl, or should I say girls? It is weird thinking of them as separate entities, but it also wouldn't feel right to consider them one person. Sometimes it makes me think I'm dating a chick with DID(Dissociative Identity Disorder). Was that joke in poor taste? My bad. In any case, I have been spending time with both of them. Emersyn is always there, but we really only actually hang out on the weekends. Even with all of the training I've done with Brandon, I still haven't beaten her at wrestling. The hussy occasionally gives me false hope, and then *bam* I'm on my back with her pinning me and, more often than not, licking my face.

Anyway, today is the one month anniversary of our relationship and I have been planning on how to celebrate for days. I really want it to be perfect, because tonight... I intend to ask Ivy to marry me. I know we are mates and have already agreed that the mating ceremony will take place at semester's end, but I want her to be mine in a way the rest of the world will understand. My parent's think I'm crazy, but they realize that my mind is made up. So when I asked my mom for the ring that her mother left to me, she handed it over. From what my mom has told me, the ring had belonged to her grandmother. It's a beautiful antique with silver filigree and a white opal. I really hope Ivy doesn't mind that it isn't a diamond.

 I really hope Ivy doesn't mind that it isn't a diamond

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^^The Ring^^

Last Saturday, when I went to visit, I found Ivy's father and asked him for her hand. I could tell that I surprised him, and he didn't seem to understand the concept until I explained that this is a tradition. I know the gesture is a bit outdated, but I also know how close Ivy is with her dad so I felt that getting his blessing was important. I laughed when he told me that the only person I should be asking for her hand is Ivy, but he gave me his blessing all the same.

All of these thoughts are running through my head as I lay in my bed waiting for a reasonable hour to get up. I've been awake since 4, unable to sleep due to my excited nerves. Ivy is going to say yes. Probably. Hopefully. I mean she is definitely going to say yes, right? Yeah. Definitely. I try to shake off my worry. If I keep this up I will probably end up passing out on her again, and wouldn't that just be embarrassing?

I look across at Brandon's bed and roll my eyes at what I see. Brock is laying on his back with Brandon sprawled almost completely on top of him. Not that he really has anywhere else to go, being as the bed is so small. Even being a TwinXL, Brock's feet are hanging off the edge. He apparently doesn't mind though because this has been their nightly routine for the past couple of weeks. After the insanity of Brock's Big Reveal(yes I have capitalized it, don't judge), the two have been practically inseparable. Brock has even started going to all of Brandon's practices, saying that he doesn't want Brandon's teammates to get any ideas while they are rolling around with his mate.

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