[Part 38] Alois' Ball (1/2)

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You woke up as you got ready for Alois' ball
(Your Pov)
'I don't have to get dressed up, lucky me' I thought to myself as I walked to the bathroom, I took a shower and got dressed up, in jeans and a cropped shirt
(3rd Person Pov)
You didn't care about what you wore as Ciel told you anything was fine, you left your room with your bag as you walked downstairs, you didn't see anyone so you were looking around the mansion, walking around everywhere, you hadn't read the envelope yet as you slapped yourself 'ugh... was it not today..?' You thought to yourself and sighed as you took the envelope out from your bag and sat on the staircase to read it
~Alois' Ball~
❤️You Can Enter As Long As You Have An Invitation❤️
Tuesday - Wednesday
Performance At 9:00pm

You sighed to yourself as you got up after reading the envelope until you nothing a tiny writing 'to Y/n, I hope you will have fun at my ball~ I'll be there to always keep a smile on your face -Alois' you held a disgusted face, although you didn't want to go, there was something that made you want to go, but at the same time you'd have to go anyway if Ciel is going, you also wondered what the performance was about, but you didn't care as you got the wrong date, today was Monday and the ball was at Tuesday as you put the envelope back into your bag, you walked up the stairs and went to your room as you sat on your bed, you felt someone behind you as you turned back to see your brother smiling at you "What are you doing here?" You asked as he sat down next to you "I saw that envelope you had, I'm also going to the ball" Your brother smiled at you as you turned to him with a confused look on your face "what? How?" You asked as he laughed "I'm quite popular with the girls and have met master Alois before, he had an interest in me and invited me" he said with a proud look on his face "does he know you're a demon? Or... Grimm reaper?" You asked as he shook his head "he's never said anything about it but he probably does know" he said and you nodded "with all those demons around him I doubt that he wouldn't know" you said as your brother stood up "you almost went there today huh?" He asked as you kicked him "shut up, I just mistook the date" you said as your brother laughed "sure, I guess you have been like that since you were little" he smiled as you rolled your eyes and pointed to the window where he came from as he tilted his head "leave" you said bluntly as a frown appeared on his face "aw but I just arri-" "and? Go, if someone sees you I'm not helping this time" you said as he sighed "bu-" "no buts" you continued to cut into his sentences as he wouldn't leave "why do you want me to le-" "because you're being a nuisance" you said as he put a hand over his heart "that hurt right here!" He said dramatically as you punched his face "stop being so childish" you said as he laughed while walking towards you "you've been a lot more childish than I've ever been" he said as you threw another punch at him but he dodged "fine~ I'll leave then~" he said "finally.." you said as he puffed up his cheeks and left by the window as you waved goodbye, as a thought popped up in your head, you ran to the window to find him but he was gone "ugh.. I forgot to ask..." you said and sat back down on your bed 'I wonder how he met Alois... but I shouldn't be thinking this as I was the one that told him to leave...' you thought to yourself and groaned "Ugh!" You groaned

The next day came and it was finally time to go to Alois' ball, at this point you're also really tired of seeing your brother as you, almost literally see him everyday, you didn't get dressed in anything fancy as you only wore what Sebastian gave you, luckily for you it wasn't a dress, it was like Sebastian's butler outfit, but just more girly, not by the color but by its style, you didn't mind as it, at least wasn't a dress, you then put on the shoes that Sebastian gave you, you took a guess that this was what Ciel wanted you to wear, the shoes were black high heeled boots, you left your room and went downstairs, this time to see Ciel and Sebastian waiting in front of the door "where's the servants?" You asked as Sebastian smiled at you "they're getting ready m'lady, also, you look stunning" he said as you nodded "thanks" you said bluntly as you waited with them

The servants finally arrived as you walked out of mansion, the rest followed as you were the first to get on the carriage, Ciel and Sebastian rode with you as the servants and Jake were on another carriage, Tanaka refused to go as he stayed at the mansion and looked after it, the carriage started moving "Y/n don't get too excited there" Ciel said as you nodded "also.. do you know what the performance is about?" You asked as Ciel shook his head "it's probably just something that he came up with for you, he said we'd have special seats or something" Ciel said and looked out the window as you did the same "did you not do your hair m'lady?" Sebastian asked as you turned to him and shook your head "I like to keep it like this" you said as Sebastian nodded with a smile

After sometime you finally arrived at Alois' manor as you got off of the carriage, followed by Sebastian then Ciel, the servants also got off of the other carriage they were in as they looked at the mansion with wide eyes "wow" Mey-Rin said as Bard and Finny also admired the place, Jake looked around like he was creeped out, but that wasn't a surprise as he was also scared when you first met Sebastian, "hohoho" you heard Tanaka, as Ciel and Sebastian walked to the door, you followed as it opened with Claude behind it "Hello, welcome to our manor" Claude said while looking at you with a smile as you didn't give him any reaction, Claude then looked at Sebastian and glared at him for a second before walking into the manor, as all of you followed, the whole place was decorated beautifully but it wasn't your style, even though the chandelier was fancy and gold, the lights were shining throughout the whole room, the whole place was decorated with flowers and there was wine placed on a table, you and everyone else continued to follow Claude as he continued to tour you all through the manor, telling you where you can't go and where you can, he even showed you the stage for the performance "so what exactly is the performance about?" You asked as Claude turned to you "Well... I was told to keep it a secret before it actually starts" Claude said as you nodded

A while after the tour you were in the ballroom as guests walked into the manor, yes, you and the phantomhive manor were the first to arrive, you were walking around the table that had wine beautifully placed on it as you stared at the door where people were entering, the servants, Ciel and Sebastian were sitting down on the table especially made for you for the performance, you then suddenly felt a hand on your wrist as you were dragged outside the ballroom and into a quiet, and what seemed like a bedroom, you looked at the person to see that they had a mask so you weren't sure who it was, but you could feel his demonic aura as you slapped the mask off, hoping that it was your brother, you looked at him with wide eyes "******"
This is the end of this part! I ended it on kind of a cliff hanger? Lol, I'm sorry because I know it's irritating because it ends at a cliff hanger, But! The "*****" doesn't mean that she said a bad word but I censored the name she said, so it's obvious that she/you knows them, anyways that is all for this part and I hope you all will stick around till the next part, I'll see you later and desperately hope that you like this story! Sayanora!

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