Chapter One

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"Over here!"

"How does it feel to be fathers?"

"How is the baby?"

"What is the baby's name?"

"Is the baby a boy or girl?"

The crowd of paparazzi that had gathered outside of the hospital shouted at Harry and Louis as they made their way out of the building. Emily Stylinson had just been born on May 12. No one knew the gender of their baby. No one knew the name of their baby. Not Harry nor Louis' parents knew these things. They kept them secrets.

Every one everywhere tried to get them to talk, to reveal something, anything. But Harry and Louis both refused, saying that they were excited and couldn't wait to bring home their little bundle of joy.

Harry clutched Emily tightly to his chest as they made their way through the massive swarm of reporters.

"Please, be quiet and let us through. We have a new born with us and we just want to get our baby home safe and sound. Please be respectful of that. We will eventually reveal everything, but for now, my husband and I would love to spend some time with our child." Harry said, and just like that the sea of people began to part and quiet down. Harry always had a way with words, it just took him a while to say them.


"Hello, Mr. and Mr. Stylinson. So, this is the first public appearance you have made since the birth of your lovely daughter Emily, correct?" Sasha, Louis believed her name was, asked.

"Yes, first time being back out to see the public." Harry beamed as a picture of Emily came into focus on the giant screen behind them.

The crowed clapped and awed at the picture of Emily.

"Sources, tell us that no one knew the gender of your child, or even the name, until a few weeks later when Harry posted a picture of Emily saying I quote 'Welcome Miss Emily to the Stylinson family. xx'. Is this correct? That not even your family, or former band mates knew?" Sasha pried.

"Actually both our families, including the guys were there the day Emily was born. So, they knew, they just kept their mouths sealed about the details, as we requested." Louis said as he moved his hand to Harry's knee.

Harry placed his hand on top of Louis' and smiled at him.

"And where is Emily at the moment?" Sasha asked.

"Emily is with her uncle Liam and uncle Zayn right now." Harry answered.

"So, the guys, your former band mates, are still in the picture?" Sasha continued to pry.

Well, Louis guessed that's all interviews are. Some random person prying into your life going through every little thing and getting as many details as possible in only a short period of time.

"Oh, yeah definitely. The guys are our brothers. Always have been and always will be. The guys absolutely love Emily, and Emily seems to love absolutely anyone, so it all works out." Louis laughed light heartedly.

"So Emily is a loving baby?" Sasha tilted her head.

"Yeah, definitely. She doesn't fuss much either. She's a very happy baby. She's always giggling and clapping her hands. She just discovered she has fingers! She is so cute because we were just sitting in our bedroom with Emily on the bed! And, and Emily started squealing and laughing! And then we realized that she just discovered her fingers!" Harry gasped for breath as he laughed and continued on. "She was pulling on them and holding her hands in the air! And I've just never seen anything so adorable in my entire life!" Harry beamed.

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