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Layla sighed letting her eyes focus on the small pot of stew cooking in front of her, she had spent the last seventeen hours trying to finish her work; but she still wasn't close to done. Pushing a hand through her deep red hair she once again tried to push away the nagging tiredness that was pressing in her, the last few days she had little to eat while she worked so today she was determined to have a meal; and since stew all but cooked itself it was the best choice at the time. Pulling the old tarnished ladle out of the pot Layla blew at its content before taking a cautious sip, the richness of the beef mixed with the earthy vegetable and touch of herbs she had managed to season it with. Humming lowly she closed her eyes for a moment as she realised just how hungry she was, being on a low wage meant she barley earned enough to pay the bills so food was a luxury; once she only indulged in once a day or twice if she was eating small things like a sandwich split in two over the day. Moving away to take a bowl from the cupboard behind her placing it on the side, she filled the bowl to the brim leaving a least two thirds of the stew in the pot; another plus to this meal was it could last a few meals at least over a few days. Taking the bowl in hand a spoon already waiting on the small table in her living slash dining room, sitting down taking a deep spoon full Layla gently hummed as she felt her body thrum in joy at the warmth it offered; her jumper did little to keep her warm with her heating off. Slowly chewing the carrot and beef she had in her mouth Layla looked around her small home, a small smile warming her face as she did. The apartment was small but not cramped allowing it to feel homely to her, and furnished well with the furniture she had either been given by others or she had bought herself; second hand or not everything was hers and she was proud of her little home. The heating was off to save money this month, despite the fact autumn was coming to an end and the winter chill was entering the air Layla was happy to make the sacrifice as she was happy to make as the result would be worth it. The apartment currently was under the banks ownership but after this month it would be hers, she would no longer have any debt and the deeds would be in her name; finally her own and give her more money so she could live comfortably on her small wage.

Taking another mouth full of the rich stew she thought over her parents, they had left her some money when they passed away; she had kept most of it save but used some to half of the cost of the apartment so she could lower her debt payments every month. And it was finally paying off, licking her lips Layla groaned sadly noting the bowl was empty but refused to lick the porcelain clean; refusing to be undignified over the small amount it would give her knowing it would make no difference to her hunger. Standing and moving to the kitchen again she began to clean up the put away everything she had used, covering the stew pot that had cooled so it wouldn't spoil before she could finish it. Just as she had begun to put away the cutlery the sound of her phone ringing made her jump, the small metal device on the table vibrating with each new ring as if offended she was not answering it. Huffing at its timing she lay the utensils down and moved to collect it frowning when she noticed the number, it was the company her father had worked for; she had their number only because her god father worked for them and occasionally called her from work. But she knew he wouldn't be working at this hour and there was no reason for them to contact her, not that she knew of anyway. The thought of ignoring it was quickly dismissed as she swiped the green icon on the screen, putting the phone to her ear moving to pace the room. "Hello? Miss Drake?" A frown broke onto Layla's face at the unfamiliar male voice, but replied despite that keeping her voice calm. "Yes, who is this if you don't mind me asking? And how did you get this number?" There was a pause before the voice spoke again, this time seeming more pleasant as if trying to be friendly; which only set Layla on edge. "I apologise for calling so late Miss Drake, my name is Professor Crane and I have a proposal for you. I have seen some of the work you produced by chance from a technician in our robotics department, and I think you would be a perfect candidate for a project currently underway" Licking her lips in uncertainty Layla considered what he said wondering how he had seen her work, assuming he meant the coursework she had done and sent to her god father; it was a paper on the use of technology in modern medicine. It had been a while ago but since he worked in a technology company she had wanted his opinion, but he had promised he wouldn't show it to anyone; she had been self continuous of it after all it was a work in progress.

"I apologise if there has been some confusion but I am really not interested in-" Layla was cut off by the man as he spoke again, his voice sounding almost pleading as if trying to persuade her this time. "Miss Drake please do not dismiss my proposal before I can at least explain it to you. You see I am part of a project working with A.I's or artificial intelligence units or androids if you will; and I would like you to help me test the results of our work." Layla stopped her slow pacing not quite sure if she had heard him correctly, after blinking a few times she finally managed to speak unable to hide the disbelief in her tone. "I'm sorry androids, as in humanoid robots? I know robotics is getting more advanced but I thought such a thing wouldn't be possible for- well years. And I don't see how I could possibly help you test such a thing Professor Crane, my paper was theoretical on the use of nanotechnology being applied into medicine; how on earth could that make you believe I was suitable for such a project?" There was a tense minute of silence before the man spoke again, this time sighing heavily as if fighting himself on what he was about to say. "Well you see I did not choose you Miss Drake. The A.I we created did, your paper was somehow misplaced into the documents put for it to read while we assessing it; and it brought it to my attention and was adamant it wanted you to be its 'owner' during its final evaluations" Stunned Layla moved to the old sofa she had passed several times and let herself fall back into the chair, a slight groan the only sound in her small apartment as she remained silent; the man on the phone continuing on his voice once more convincing as he tried to persuade her. "Come to the laboratory tomorrow Miss Drake, you can meet the A.I yourself and decide then. If you chose to help us with this project we will of course compensate you, I promise you we will pay you well and I will explain everything to you personally tomorrow; nine thirty?" Despite it being a statement Layla knew it was a request as well as the phone didn't cut off and she was once more greeted with silence, closing her eyes she silently cursed herself before answering. "I will come and meet you and listen to what you have to say professor, nine thirty tomorrow morning" Not wanting to talk anymore with this man she swiped the line off looking down at the phone in silence for a moment before placing it on the old coffee table in front of her, letting a hand come to rub over her eyes as weariness set in. Standing Layla headed to her bedroom, it seemed she had to be up early tomorrow and she would need at least a few hours sleep; whatever happened tomorrow Layla wanted to be alert for. After all she was headed into unknown territory.


Inside the sterile room the male figure sat silently on the bed, his hands resting on his knee's as he calmly awaited news from the speaker on the wall, his vibrant green eyes piercing through the darkness despite with ease with no impairment. "Subject Zero. Your requested tester will arrive tomorrow to be interviewed and be introduced to you. Shut down for the night as agreed" The once stoic appearance on his face change almost invisibly as the corner of his lips curled up, the light of his eyes almost glowing in the dark as he moved fluidly pulling his legs up and flat onto the bed laying his arms at his sides; his eyes closing as he seemed to sleep. The room remained still until the small light on the camera in the ceiling's right far corner went out, the only indication the room was no longer being watched. As soon as this happened the male figures eyes snapped open as he looked to the ceiling, his mouth this time moving into a grin his voice coming out eerily silent as he almost purred the words; his voice perfectly toned between silky and deep and undeniably male. "Mistress is coming" Had there been a soul in the room to hear it they may have shivered or felt the hair on the back of their necks stand in alarm, the words though quiet held a hint of something in them that would make the strongest person on edge. The male figure close his eyes again this time seemingly to truly sleep, but it was unclear if he did or not as there was no movement made from him; making him appear dead. No breathing filled the room and if a person were to listen to the male figures chest they would hear no heart beat, simply a low hum almost impossible to hear; thought they would feel warmth much like that of a true person. But this was no man, it was not even human in anything other than appearance; a beautiful illusion for what it really was. A machine, a machine with what seemed like flesh covering its form making it seem real rather than artificial. This was an A.I, one of small army worth created and hidden in this facility but by far the most important; as it was the leader. The others deferred to its command much like a soldier would to their general, and it was buying its time. A small light in the corner of its left eyes barely visible lit up in the dark room, one indicating it was communicating with the other A.I's... and perhaps if there was someone to witness it the only warning that something was terribly wrong.


Artificial Beginnings ( Yandere/Possessive Artificial Intelligence )Where stories live. Discover now