Catch Me If You Can

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Heroes of Olympus series.
A/N: y/g ~ your grade

    I wandered around Camp Half-Blood, soaking up the last of the summer sun. In two weeks, I would be back in the mortal world, fending off monsters on my own and starting school again.
    I glanced over at the lava wall and considered climbing it. Too lazy. Play a game of volleyball? Too lazy. Help clean out the Big House? Too lazy. Pick strawberries? Too lazy.
    "You know, as my apprentice, one would think you'd help out in the infirmary," a voice full of sternness that balanced out the brightness called out.
    "Will!" I drew out his name whiningly, not turning around to face him. "Can't I enjoy the last bits of summer?"
    "Doctors usually don't," I turned, seeing Will leaning against the rail surrounding the infirmary. Will gave me a knowing look, bringing the hints of a smile onto my face.
    "Fine," I tried to suppress the oncoming grin. "What do you need now, Will?"
    "Dr. Solace, you mean?" Will reached over the rail and tugged on my sleeve, yanking me into the infirmary.
    "I think you just sprained my wrist, Dr. Solace," I mock glared at Will, smoothing out my shirt sleeves.
    "I can fix it for you," Will's eyebrows drew together worriedly, taking my wrist gently. I studied him for a second, unsure if he was joking. He appeared to be very serious indeed. I extricated my wrist from his grasp, an amused expression overtaking my smile at his concern.
"I'm fine, Will," I patted his shoulder, touched by his concern for me.
     Will glared at me and dragged me to one of the tables at the infirmary. After pulling out a chair for me, he pulled out numerous volumes all filled with extensive knowledge and made me study it.
    "Will," I groaned, shoving the book back to him. "Do you know the meaning of summer or fun?"
    "I do," Will gave me another textbook. "I just choose not to acknowledge it. Besides, I need to help you prepare for Harvard Medical School, and then John Hopkins, and then..."
    "Will," I coughed lightly, masking my giggles. "I'm only in y/g."
    "That's no reason to be unprepared," Will scolded, waving the textbook at me. I took it from him and dropped it on the floor, giving it a self-satisfied smirk.
    "Y/n," Will sucked in a deep breath.
    "Oh," I looked at him innocently. "It was just an accident."
    Then I took off running, slamming the screen door in Will's face.
    "Y/n," Will's voice was behind me, not yielding any signs of him tiring soon. "Please don't hurt yourself. Or trip. Or scrape something. That could get infected you know..."
    "You're adorable when you're scared," I mumbled to myself, skirting the strawberry fields.
    "What was that, Y/n?" Will asked behind me.
    "Nothing," I called back quickly. "Nothing at all."
    "Come back here! You could get an asthma attack! Or a sunburn!" Will called after me.
    "Come and catch me then!" I replied, smirking.

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