"Are you happy now?"

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Disclaimer: I do not own the Heroes of Olympus series.
You are a child of Demeter in this one shot.

    I sat on the edge of where the woods began, trying to focus on making a plant grow.
    "Get out of my spot." I looked up to see a pale ghost of a boy glaring at me. When he caught sight of me, he inhaled sharply and looked away.
    "So you're a child of Demeter."
    "One who can't even grow a plant." My eyes flickered to the one plant that ended up as a shriveled up stub then back to the pale boy. "But yeah, I'm a spawn of Demeter."
    The boy nodded, a pale pink flower blooming on his cheeks. Was that a...blush?
    "Do you want me to?" He asked, reaching for a flower. At first I didn't understand for a few seconds. He was a child of Hades. Oh.
    "Please do," I laughed.
    The boy touched the plant. At the touch of his fingers, the plant burst into a pile of ash.
    "My name's Nico," the boy, now known as Nico, introduced himself. "Son of Hades. Ambassador of Pluto."
    "Good for you, Ghost King," I stood up and brushed off my pants. "Spot's all yours."
    "Wait," Nico rushes after me. "What's your name?"
    "I see you're enjoying your spot," I replied, not looking back at him.
    "Sorry for being a jerk," Nico reached for my arm. "But can you repeat what you said to me?"
    "I said 'spot's all yours'," I repeated, sighing impatiently. "Happy?"
    "No," Nico's eyes scanned my face, a host of a smile appearing on his face.
    "Listen here," I whipped back around to face Nico. "Ghost King, leave me alone."
    "What's your name?" Nico persisted.
    "Y/n," I sighed in defeat. "Please tell me you're happy now." I whirled around, marching to my cabin.
    "Not yet..."

One Day Later

    A knock on my door roused my older brother who heaved himself off his bed with a heavy groan.
    "What do you want?" B/n opened the door grumpily. "It's two in the morning, Nico."
    "Oh, Styx," I muttered, burrowing deeper into my covers.
    "Y/n!" My sister tore off my covers. "The Nico di Angelo is looking for you!"
    "Ask me if I care," I attempted to tear the covers from S/n.
    "He's got millions of fangirls around the world!" I gave up wrestling with my sister.
    "And your point is?" I yawned.
    "If you don't see him at the door right this minute, and we all lose our sleep because of you..."
    "Fine," I gave S/n a sloppy glare before trudging to the door.
    "...and if you try anything funny with Y/n..." my older brother warned Nico before I told him to go back to bed.
    Nico di Angelo looked perfect in his element : the night. His dark eyes sparkled at me. "Will you go on a date with me, Miss Y/n?"
    "This couldn't wait until breakfast?" The corners of my mouth turned upwards.
    "If I say yes, will you not disturb me at unreasonable hours?"
    "Then my answer is yes. Are you happy now?"
    "Yes. Yes, I'm happy now."

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