Chapter 17. Falling for you

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The boys left to go into town this morning so it's just me and Ni. I glad we're alone because there's so many things I need to tell him. Mainly about the man I've seen. My head pounds and I lean it against Niall's chest. Then I tell him everything...

"Ok explain this to me again. You think that someone is stalking you just because you saw him on a plane and then just happened to run into him at the bowling ally? I don't think that's stalking, just a coincidence" he laughs and moves a fallen strand of hair from my face.

"Yeah well you don't exactly have to deal with your ex boyfriend's killer on the lose, I never feel safe anymore. I never have since he died." I sigh pulling away from Niall slightly

"Look Lacie, I care about you and I'm not going to let anything or anyone hurt you okay?" He sighs and strokes my cheek with his thumb.

"It's not me I'm worried about" I take his hand from my face and hold it in between mine.

"Then who are you so worried about?" His face twists in confusion

"Niall I'm worried about you! This guy, who ever the hell he is, took Derek. Killed him. Who says he won't go after you! I'm sorry I just can't do this, it's too dangerous."

I release Niall's warm hand and make my way off the couch. Rushing towards the door, a hand squeezes my wrist tightly and I try to pull away but I'm too weak. I'm pathetic.

"Let go of me." I say firmly with my teeth clenched to prevent the tears from falling.

"No." He states, then spins me around so that I'm facing him with our lips nearly touching.

"Don't you see it Lace, you and I are meant for each other. I'm not letting you go. I won't." He purses his lips before sticking them to mine.

His mouth is soft and warm. My lips move with his slowly. His hands find my waist and pull me close to him so there is no longer any space between us. I slide my arms over his wide shoulders and my hands tangle in his thick blond hair. His mouth mumbles my name and his lips move from my lips down to my neck, nipping at places longer than others. He finds my collar bone and kisses it lightly, giving me shivers down my spine, then making his way back to my lips.

I kiss him this time, finding the power inside of me not to run away. His warm hands slide from my waist, past my butt, to my thighs where he signals for me to jump, so I do. I wrap my legs around his hips and he moves back to the couch.

I know I should stop him but I can't.

He sets me down and finds himself on top of me, kissing my jaw. I feel cold air on my stomach but I don't care. I need an escape.

I smile into his next kiss, running my hands down the front of his t-shirt and hooking my finger in his belt loop, pulling him closer so our hips touch. His teeth bite my bottom lip but it doesn't hurt, he's so gentle. His hot breath beat on my neck once again and his lips leave kisses down to my chest. His hands pull my shirt higher, rubbing circles in the smalls of my back and exposing more of me for him to explore. Our lips meet again once more, this time slower than ever and his finger wrap around my bra clasp.

I let go of his shirt that I have ball up in my fist and he pulls his lips from mine, looking into my eyes as I focus on his.

"Do you want me to um-" Niall ask me breathlessly, his eyes looking from his belt back to me and his face burning pink. He clearly has the wrong idea, although maybe not. I want to be with him but now isn't right.

"I think we should stop, I mean it's not like I don't want to, um you know, but it just isn't the right time." I lean in and kiss him one last time before pulling my shirt back over my belly.

"I know. It's ok." He smiles and pulls his shirt back on as well. We quickly gather ourselves together just as the boys charge through the door.

Louis immediately looks at me.

"Lacie can I talk to you in my room please, it's extremely important." He reaches his hand out to help me off the couch, then we head to his room.

I plop on his bed and he soon joins beside me. The whole time my mind is buzzing about everything he might be wanting to tell me.

"So um Lace, I have a weird question that I need an answer to" he sighs and puts his hands in his pockets

I smile "Okay, ask away!"

"Alright, well has your Mum come back to London yet?" His eyes wander around the room, meeting everything except mine.

"No" I say plainly

His face goes pale and for a minute I would have thought he was scared. Then he takes his hands out of his pockets and holds onto mine.

"I just saw her today in downtown" his voice sounds nervous and before I can say anything he continues "but Lace, she wasn't alone. She was with a man."

Okay so let's get something straight, I haven't been on Wattpad in like 100 years. Oops.

I know this chapter sucked and it was super short but I just haven't been feeling myself lately. I really could use all of the support I can get at this point! If you would like to send me happy emails to brighten my days up that would be awesome!! You can just send me any letters you want through wattpad and I will read them and respond! Also I'm thinking about editing this story from the begging so if you think I should then let me know! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow for more. I love y'all! Xoxo Ash!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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