Chapter 9. Coffee

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I wake up in the dark, gasping for a breath. I inhale and exhale slowly trying to calm myself from trembling. I must have had a bad dream but I don't remember anything, my mind is just blank. Perspiration trickles down my forehead and I wipe it off. I get up to look at the clock hanging on the door. 6:53. I could go back to sleep but if I do I might not wake up until lunch time. After all I need to get freshened up to go get coffee with Niall. I rub my eyes to wake them up. I don't want to shower but I try to hide my laziness so I take one anyway.

The freezing cold water jolts me awake in a instant. I quickly turn the knob and the water warms up. I wash my body and finish. I get out and brush my teeth in the sink before doing my hair. I don't want my wet hair to be down and I don't have time to blow dry it so I pull it up into an extra messy bun right on top of my head. I do my make up somewhat, keeping it pretty natural since it is only like 7:30 in the morning. I really don't want to look like Kesha just to go out and get some coffee if you know what I mean? I walk out of the bathroom and put on my cozy black leggings and a super oversized plum v-neck shirt. I put on a pair of uggs to complete the look, even thought it's like the middle of summer, I don't care they're so comfortable!

My Mom is still asleep so I leave her a note and send her a text to let her know where I'm going to be. It's almost 8:00 and Niall isn't here yet, not that I'm worried because we're only friends and that's all we will ever be. I won't let anything else happen. I'm just about to sit down and watch some t.v when I hear a loud tump on the door. I smile and leave my room to go answer it. I see no other than Niall leaning against the door trying to act cool. "Ready to go Lacie" Niall says with a smile showing all is teeth. "Yup I sure am"! Niall is still leaning on the side of the door, so on my way out I kick his foot and he trips and tumbles onto his back.

"Ok that's not cool" he chuckles.

"Yea and neither are you" I send him a half smile and he eyes me mischievously.

"you shouldn't have done that." I see him start to get up and I race down the hallway of the hotel. I run away as fast as I can.

The crazy blond is catching up fast so I make a sharp turn and into the elevator room, I press the the clear, round button and it turns a flashing yellow. I can hear Niall closely behind me, too close he could get me any second. As soon as the doors open I speed into them, but am quickly held back two hands around my waist. Niall. "Oh no you don't love" he smirks and pulls me into him, picks me up by my waist and carries me into the elevator shaft. "LET ME GO YOU BRAT" I scream hoping he would give in but nothing works, he won't let go. I'm starting to feel a tad bit uncomfortable just as the elevator doors open and we land in the lobby. "You can let me go now Niall" I frown but he just smiles. "Not yet i'm not" and he turns me around and puts me on his back, carrying me straight through the lobby. Everybody in the building was staring at us and it was pretty awkward for me but Niall seem to be having a blast, Running around and spinning me in circles. Once we got out side he continued to refuse to put me down, we walked to his car, he opened the passenger side and plopped me in it.

We drove for a while until I could vaguely see the green Starbucks logo ahead. Once we got closer I noticed the parking lot, nobody was there, no cars, no people, nothing. Even the lights were turned off. "Niall I think it's closed?" He only looks at me, not saying a word. We park in a space and he jumps out of the car. I see him walk around to my side and he opens the door

"My lady" he says and bows.

"Shut up fool" I push is shoulder out of my way and giggle as I walk past him.

I reach the front door before Niall does and I tug on the handel, it's locked. I pull as hard as I can but nothing works, they aren't open. I sigh slightly and turn to go back to the car,

The one who was loved (a Niall Horan love story)Where stories live. Discover now