Chapter 6. Ice and Niall?

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I rubbed my eyelids and they opened up. The bright morning light shone in from the hotel window. My head hurt from crying last night so I went and swished an Advil down with a glass of water. After I walked out of the room I dragged myself into the kitchen, I could see my Mom sitting in the living room.

"Morning dear" she said looking up at me.

"Morning" I replied as I poured a cup of tea and put some bread in the toaster.

I look out the window and thought about everything that happened yesterday. It was terrible, I still haven't even looked online to see all the horrible stuff people are probably saying about me. "She's so ugly" "damn she's stupid" "that girl fell on purpose to get Nialls attention" "what a tramp". My mind buzzes and comes to a complete stop when I'm snapped out of my daze by the toaster. I pull my now burnt toast out and walk up stairs into my room. My blinds are still wide open so I shut them almost all the way. I quickly scan the room for the ice bucket. I need a piece of ice to put in my tea so it will cool down just a bit.

"MOM WHERE'S THE ICE" I holler from the room.

"We're out! I was going to get some last night but forgot. I think they have an ice machine downstairs, just go fill up the bucket". I grab the small bucket from across my room and walk out into the living room.

"Ok I'll be back in a second" I look at my Mom then close the door behind me.

I walk down the hallway and into the elevator shafts. I step in one and press and home button that will take me into the lobby downstairs. The antique elevator shifts and creaks as it makes it's way to the bottom. Soon the doors slide open and I walk out and turn a corner to see a door. "Laundry" it says in bold letters at the front. I turn around and walk the opposite way, I come to another door "Bathrooms, Vending, and Ice". Finally! I smile and walk into the chilly room. The ice is in the far corner so I go and get some as fast as possible. I run back out the door and to the elevators. I press my floor number and it starts to zoom up. The squeaky machine makes a gut wrenching halt and the doors slide to reveal my hall. I get out and go to turn the corner but smack into someone before getting far. I fall back on the hard ground, my head hits it with a loud noise. I can see ice everywhere and even a few pieces cover me. Before I know it a hand reaches out to me, I take it and stand up, rubbing my head a little before looking up. I see blue eyes, very bule eyes, Niall Horans eyes.

He stared at me for awhile. I guess he was waiting for me to do something, scream, cry, hug him, ask for a autograph? I don't know but all I did was look at him.

"Are you ok, I'm so sorry" Niall asks examining my head frantically. I squeal a little

"I'm fine really" he looks at me intensively.

"I asked you the same thing yesterday. I guess since we keep running into each other you should tell me your name"? He smiles and looks me right in the eyes with his. I look back and say

"I'm Lacie and I'm pretty sure your Niall Horan"? We pause for a second then both laugh really loudly!

" It's so nice to finally get to meet you love, after all this is the second time I've had to help you up" Niall say as he puts his arm around my shoulder for a hug. I blush a tiny bit but try to shake it off, I don't like him anyway, I can't! Derek was my one and only, I was happy with him. I shouldn't have to move on.

"Would you like me to walk you to your room, I wouldn't mind" he says before turning in the direction I was headed.

"Not at all" I reply shortly after. We walk down the hall slowly, not talking much but laughing a lot. Niall would look at me every so often and chuckle to himself, I don't know why but he would. It didn't bother me. We approached my room rather fast.

Niall turned towards me, "Do you think we can hang out again sometime, I promise no one will fall". I look at him and think about Derek, maybe me and Niall could just be friends and hang out as friends. That's perfectly fine then!

"Absolutely and I promise not to fall either"! We giggle and then he pulls me into a hug. I hug back for a little then pull away. He looked confused but only for a second. I smile and wave and I'm just about to open my door when he says

"Oh yea and if you need anything I'm just 3 rooms away from you". I see him wave and walk down the hall and then he turns to face a door and unlocks it, only 3 doors away from my room. "Just wonderful" I mutter.

Ok! What a sweet chapter! I hope you liked it, I need more supporters so please spread the word about my story. Please don't copy or steal my story! Xoxo Ash :)

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