Chapter 3 - Dreamy Green Eyes

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After lunch, Erin and I made our way to the elevators. "Thanks for lunch, Kate." "You don't have to thank me every time I pay." "Kate you pay every time. You'd think I was only your best friend for the money if I didn't." I looked up at her. "Erin, I would never think that. We've been friends since before you found out about my money, so you don't have to thank me." She smiled. "Good point." She paused for a second. "Well, it's a fifteen-minute walk back and I've got twenty minutes left so I better get going." I hugged her tightly. "Go save lives, Nurse Erin." She smacked my arm. "Go build people buildings contractor Kate." I laughed as she stepped into the elevator. "See you at home?" I nodded. "I'll be late, but yeah." The elevator doors shut and I pressed the up button. 

"Fancy meeting you here. Erin still looks the same as she did two years ago. Did she ever get through nursing school?" I whipped around and stared at him. "What are you doing in my building, Alexander?" I put as much venom in his name as I could. He feigned hurt. "You know I love Panterini, and they've only got one location within a five-mile radius, and it's right your building. I usually come in around two, but maybe I'll start coming in at noon so that I can see your lovely face." He smiled that lopsided smile I used to love. 

"How did you know I come at noon?" His grin widened, and he pointed at Lizbeth. "See that cute little waitress over there? It's amazing what a little flirting will get you." I smacked him, hard. The bustling cafe went silent with the sound of the smack ringing off the walls. "Don't you ever go near Lizbeth again! She is eighteen years old and innocent and doesn't need your vile nature rubbing off on her! If you go near her again, I will make sure you never set foot in this building again!" Just then the elevator doors dinged open. I turned on my heel and stepped into the elevator pressing the twelfth-floor button. "Hey baby, you're wearing my favorite dress. That red hem that matches those red-bottomed Louboutins perfectly." I turned and scowled at him as the doors shut.

I cannot believe him. Yes, you can. Shut up. He's stalking me. That's what he's doing. It's been two years, and he's left me alone up until the Evans debacle. What does he want? Obviously, he wants to tell you something about two years ago. Shut. Up. The doors dinged open once again, and I stormed into my office and sat in my chair, fuming. Stupid Alexander. Stupid me. Stupid feelings. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" "Uh, Miss Westbrooke?" I whirled around and met the green eyes of my favorite accountant. "Kaleb! What brings you to the twelfth floor? And I've told you a million times to call me Kate." He smiled warmly. 

"I brought those numbers you asked for, the ones for the Stevens contract." I smiled. "Wonderful. Come and sit." "Yes, ma'am." I liked Kaleb. He's twenty-seven, with short brown hair, beautiful green eyes, and a very fit body. He's only two inches shorter than Alex, so when I wear my six-inch heels, we're the same height. He sat in the chair across from me. "So, how's my favorite accountant?" He smiled again. He has a lovely smile. Sweet and caring, nothing like Alex's wild one. "I'm great. How's my favorite boss?" I laughed. 

"When are you going to get over yourself and ask me on a date, hm? You've been flirting for a while and don't think I missed the fact that you could have just emailed me these." I wiggled the file. He stopped laughing and looked at me. "I, uh, I, well, um, you see, you're boss." He looked down at his feet. "Kaleb, I'm twenty-five years old, successful, and lonely. You are twenty-seven, the best well-paid employee on the lower ten and you're cute, and you like me. I can put aside being the boss-lady if you can." The lower ten is the first through tenth floors that house everything a business needs to function, a few rented office spaces and the cafe. The eleventh and twelfth are for my contractors, realtors, etc. "Alright, I can. How about tonight? 7 pm at William Carter's?" "It's a date. Now I've got work to do if I'm going to be ready by 7. Meet me in the garage at 6:30." He nodded and left. 

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