Chapter 16 - Kander

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I woke up the next morning sore. Every bone and muscle in my body just ached. I decided right there that I wasn't getting up for the day. Getting up would be too much work and would cause me to hurt more. So, not today, Satan. There was some rustling behind me and then warm air blew across my neck. Alex must have rolled over. I yawned. 

Ding! Ding! Ding! My phone kept going off. Text alerts, emails, notifications, and phone calls. I slammed my hand down on my phone and dragged it across the end table toward me. I was momentarily blinded, but as soon as my eyes adjusted to the light of my phone, my heart dropped. 

"Alexander and Kathryn? Marriage?"

"Kander is official again!" 

I cringed at the ship name. I clicked on the article to figure out how the engagement was leaked. After a few seconds of loading, there was a picture of Alex and me in front of our apartment, with him on one knee.


"Kate, honey, call me when you get this. Your father is having a fit, Love you, honey." -Mom

I dialed my mom's number, and she picked up on the first ring. "Hi, sweetie, here's your dad." There was some rustling and then my dad's voice. "Kate, what is the meaning of this?" "Daddy, I told you Alex, and I were back together." He sighed. "Honey, you know I only want your happiness, and I don't want a repeat of last time." I rolled over and looked at Alex's sleeping smile. "That won't happen again. I'll kill him myself if it does." He chuckled before replying, "Just leave enough for dear old dad." We said our I love you's and our goodbyes and he hung up.

"Who was that?" I smiled at his voice. "Dear old dad." He smiled as I rolled over to face him. "I'm sore," he whispered. I laughed. "Me too, wanna order takeout and stay in today?" He nodded lazily. "But it's only ten in the morning. What delivers this early?" He had a point. Nothing good came of takeout breakfast. "Will you make pancakes?" I flashed him the puppy dog eyes. He groaned. "Fine." He rolled out of bed and slipped on some boxers. I couldn't help but stare at the delectable piece of ass in front of me. "Hey!" He snapped. "I'm not just some piece of meat for you to ogle!" I laughed at the face he made, and soon his resolved cracked as well, and he sauntered out of the bedroom.

I pulled on one of his t-shirts and made my way to the kitchen, my nose leading the way. Oh, food, it smelt so wonderful. My tastebuds were drooling, and my stomach was growling. I rounded the corner and was stopped by Alex. No, not his delicious chest or his back. I was stopped by the look he had on his face. His eyes were wide as saucers, his mouth in a thin line and his whole body was rigid. I couldn't see what he was staring at so I took two careful, and quiet steps to see for myself. 

I saw the gun first. I fought the gasp from escaping my mouth. Another step revealed the arm. Another step showed me the gunman. Kaleb. This time I gasped, and loudly. Kaleb's head whipped toward me. "Baby?" He voice sounded deranged. His eyes and hair were wild. "W-what are you doing, Kaleb?" He turned to face me never moving the gun. "I've come to bring you home. You were gone last night; I got worried this freak pulled something." His eyes raked up and down my body, and suddenly I wished I had any type of pants on. Stupid me, trying to be sexy and leave the bits uncovered. I mentally hit myself. 

"What do you mean home?" He smiled, only it didn't reach his eyes. "To our house silly. Duh." I forced myself to laugh. "Oh yeah, silly me. Let me, uh, go get my things okay?" He turned back toward Alex. "Sure. Don't be too long though." I turned on my heel and sprinted to the bedroom. Phone. Need phone. Where is it? Oh crap. 

I flung the sheets off the bed and sighed in relief when I heard the thud on the floor. I quickly picked it up, dialed 911, pulled some shorts on and stuck the phone in my pocket. Oh please be able to trace it. I ran to the closet and started digging through Alex's clothes. Where. Is. The. Safe. My hand brushed against something cold. Thank Lord. I threw his clothes on the ground so I could see the fingerprint lock. It had to be a certain order. I really hope he didn't change it. 1-8-2-3 I carefully pressed my fingers against the pad and then put my thumb on the lock. Please, please, please, please. Click! Oh, thank God! I reached inside and grabbed the small smooth object and tucked it into my shorts. I calmly made my way back to the kitchen. 

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