Chapter 4 - One Nasty Punch

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I was woken by the horrid noise of my alarm at seven am. I didn't wake up once all night which was nice for a change. I rolled over and pried my eyes open to shut off that horrible screeching only to realize it wasn't my alarm but my mother calling. Shit. Shit is right. You're dead now. Not if I don't answer. I rejected the call and got up to shower. I don't have time to deal with my mother. After a longer than usual shower, I dried my hair and tried to figure out what to wear. I decided on a royal blue bodycon dress and blue pumps. These ones are from the discount store. I got dressed, did my hair and makeup and made my way out to my car. Seven-thirty and I still have to stop and get breakfast for Kaleb and I. I'll stop at Panterini, I guess.

I made it into my office at eight sharp with a bag full of food for two and sat down at my desk. Okay. I gotta get some work done before nine. Soon, Karen's voice sounded over the intercom. "Miss Kate, Kaleb said he has a nine o'clock appointment with you." "Send him in Karen." I watched as my door opened to reveal Kaleb in slacks and a blue dress shirt. I stood up and walked around my desk to greet him with a hug and he stopped in his tracks. "Kaleb-" "Wow, Kate, you look stunning in blue." I smiled. "As do you. Sit, I got Panterini for us." He sat in one of the chairs in front of my desk and I sat next to him. We ate in silence. I'm guessing he was as hungry as I was. Kaleb broke the silence first. "About last night, I really am sorry." I smiled and looked at him. "You apologize too much. It's cute." He blushed. "And you blush? That's cute too." His face turned even redder. "I'm a man, Kathryn, I'm supposed to be sexy, not cute." I stood and sat in his lap. "Oh, believe me, a man can do both." I don't know who kissed who first, I just know his mouth was on mine and I was beginning to enjoy the slow warmth he made me feel. I ran my fingers through his hair and soon his were tangled in mine. He kissed me slow and passionately and I loved it but I wanted more. 

I nipped his lip, softly, just to see what kind of reaction I would get and when he groaned, I lost it. I nipped his lip harder this time. That must have been it for his self-control because the next thing I knew all the papers and pens that were on my desk were now on the floor and I was sitting in their place. Kaleb was standing between my legs, kissing me roughly, his right hand tugging gently at my hair and his left making its way to my waist. He began kissing my jaw, then my neck and then the part of my shoulder that my dress left exposed. I wasn't protesting so I leaned my head back to give him better access to the sensitive skin that lay there. I reached for the buttons on his shirt and began to undo them one by one as his reached the zipper on my dress and slowly tugged it down. 

"Kate, are you sure about this?" I looked up at him panting and unbuttoned the last button keeping his shirt on. "I haven't been more sure about anything in a long time. I want you." He kissed my collar bone and undid my zipper all the way slowly pushing the dress down off my shoulders. I reached for the button on his pants, my fingers making quick work of it and the zipper and I pushed them to the floor. "Stand up." I did as I was told and watched his face while he watched my dress fall to the floor. "You're beautiful. Absolutely stunning." I blushed as he looked me up and down, almost in disbelief that this was happening. I decided to take that moment to drink him in. My eyes wandered down his chest watching his muscles ripple as he panted, down to the bulge in his boxers. We both watched each other, his arousal obvious. I needed him right now or I was gonna go crazy. "Kaleb. Now. I need you now." He didn't need me to tell him twice. In seconds his lips were on my chest and his hands unsnapping my bra. He leaned me back on my desk and kissed his way down my chest to my breasts. I almost died when he pulled one of my nipples into his mouth. 

His hand covered my mouth. "Shhh, you don't want Karen, or the others on this floor to hear us do you?" While the thought turned me on even further, he was right. I didn't want that. His mouth dropped back to my nipple and I fought not to cry out. His hand stayed over my mouth while he worked over my nipple with that talented mouth of his while his other hand showed the other nipple the same amount of attention. By the time he switched he had uncovered my mouth and worked his free hand down to my panties. He played with them hem while he worked over my now swollen and heavy breasts. I moaned as quietly as I could manage. "David. Now. Take me now!" His mouth left my breasts and was back on mine when I heard the fabric of my panties tear. And soon after he was inside me. He kissed me roughly as he rocked his hips back and forth, his kisses drowning my moans. Alex may make me burn with molten lava but David is sweet and warm. It was a refreshing difference.

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