Chapter 15 - Winter Wonderland

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"Kitten, wake up." No. I'm sleeping. I'm tired. Let me sleep. "Kitten," The voice said. Shhh. "Kitten," Now the voice was singing? "Kate." No. I don't know who that is. "Kathryn," I groaned. "What?" A laugh. "Wake up, baby girl." I groaned again, louder, hoping the voice would go away. "Get up, or I'll take your blankets." I didn't move, and sure enough, the voice took my blankets.

My eyes flew open at the flash of cold air against my naked tushy. "Mother of all things Holy!" I screamed. Alex laughed. "That's what you get for sleeping in underwear that rides up while you sleep." I glared at him. "What do you want?" He smirked. "That ass." I buried my face back in my pillow. "No, seriously, I want you to see something." He grabbed my arm and practically yanked me out of my bed.

I forced my legs to start moving, or I would have wound up on the floor, with Alex dragging me through the apartment. Not a very appealing thought. I followed him through the hall and into the living room where the thick grey curtains were closed, and it was pitch black. "What time is it?" I looked for the clock but couldn't see it. "Wait here." "Alex, what time-" "Shh. Just look." The curtains opened courtesy of Alex and revealed fluffy white flakes in the sky. Snow.

"Look! It's snowing!" He was jumping up and down like a child. "We love the snow!" It's true. It's why we own the penthouse in the tallest apartment in the city and why both of our buildings are so tall. I made my way to the floor to ceiling windows and looked out over our snow-covered city. "It's beautiful." I looked at the gray sky. Big fat snowflakes were falling as heavy as rain. I looked back to the ground. The snow was fresh and undisturbed. No tire marks, or footprints, nothing but a perfect blanket of snow. What time was it? 

I looked over at the clock on the wall and squinted to see what it read. Three in the morning. I couldn't be mad, three in the morning with blizzard-like snow? It's my favorite. Something warm and fuzzy draped over my shoulders. My fleece robe. "Alex, thank you for waking me up. This is my favorite moment. The city is asleep, the snow is falling heavily, and it's undisturbed. Thank you. Alex wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my cheek. "You're welcome. And I know it's your favorite, that's why, when I woke up to get some water, and I saw it, I had to wake you." 

I leaned against him. "Did you forget anything about me?" He kissed the top of my head. "I would never forget anything about you." I spun around to face him. "I love you, Alex." I had to stand on my tip-toes to kiss him and thankfully, he leaned down to help me out. An eight-inch height difference is easy to handle when I'm wearing six-inch heels, not when I'm barefoot. I kissed him slowly, gently, but passionately. 

He pulled away. "Get some pants on and some shoes." I looked up at him confused. "Uh, why?" He smiled. "Just do it." I did as I was told. I pulled on some blue fleece pajama bottoms, which clashed with my purple t-shirt and white robe, but who cares? I slipped on some black hard bottomed slippers then met him in the foyer. He was dressed in a tight grey t-shirt, black microfiber pajama pants, a black robe and black slippers. "What are we doing?" "Shh. Close your eyes." "Uh, okay." I closed my eyes, and Alex led us out of the apartment, into the elevator, and out into the snow. 

"It's c-cold out here." I pulled my robe as tight as I could with one hand. Alex was holding my other hand. "Okay, don't move." I froze, and I'm sure half of it had to do with the temperature. Alex turned me towards what I'm guessing was the apartment complex. "Okay, open." He said from behind me. 

I opened my eyes and was staring at the front door of the complex. "Wow. A front door." He laughed. "Look up to our apartment window, goofball." My eyes skimmed up the building towards the top set of windows. The curtains were closed, and I could just make out some writing on the windows. "Alex, I can't read-" I froze when I finally made out what it said. 

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