Chapter 7 - Magic Hands

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I woke up alone. For the first time in a month, I woke up alone and to an empty house. I stretched out and my fingers brushed against something smooth and cool. A note.

Kate, don't freak out, I didn't leave you. I realized in my panic to come to see if you were okay I left all of my laundry at home. I'll be back tonight. I'm gonna pop in to work for a few hours today, I hope you can make it in too. Your face looks almost normal again, a few tricks with your makeup magic and you should be perfect. Not that you're not perfect already. You know what I mean. If I don't see you at work I'll see you at your place tonight. 

Yours, Kaleb.

He left a note. How thoughtful. I got up and wandered into the bathroom to see if Kaleb was right. If a little bit of makeup could cover any remaining bruises then I'd go to work today. I was going crazy at home. About a half hour later my face looked normal again. He was right. He's always right. I stood in front of my closet debating on a suit or a dress when I got a text.

You look best in a dress. I was right, wasn't I? -Kaleb

He knew me too well. I chose a lavender bodycon dress and some black heels, a diamond necklace, bracelet and some dangle earrings and I was set. Keys, purse, phone. That's everything. I stepped out of my apartment for the first time in a month, locked up and then headed to work. I stepped into the lobby and everyone turned and looked at me. I guess when you show up after a month everyone is surprised. I made my way to my office and stopped dead in my tracks at the pile of paperwork sitting on my desk. I groaned, loudly. "Kill me now," I mumbled. "Now then who would I come home to at night." I spun around and was greeted by a kiss. "Hi, Kaleb." "Goodmorning beautiful. You took my advice I see." I twirled around showing off my dress. "You're right. I'm mindblowing in a dress." I smiled and took a seat at my desk. "As much as I would love to keep messing around I really need to get a start on this." I pouted and watched as he smiled. "My stack was taller and I've been done since eleven. Only took me three hours." "Well, I guess I better get started if that's the time to beat." "I'll win. I always do." He closed my door on his way out.

Two hours and fifty-six minutes later I signed the last paper and set it on the now towering outgoing pile. I then dialed Kaleb's extension to brag. "Hello?" "Two hours and fifty-six minutes. I. Win." I heard him sigh. "Well damn. Maybe paperwork should always be a contest seeing how quickly you get it done." I laughed and leaned back in my chair. "So, can I come up to see you now? I've become addicted to being with you." I sighed dramatically. "I guess." "Be there in five." Click. Kaleb was nothing if not punctual. At exactly five minutes later, I timed him, my office door swung open. Only it wasn't Kaleb. It was Alex and he was a mess. "Alex?! What are you doing here, you're supposed to be in the hospital!" "Not so loud kitten, my head is pounding. Erin was trying to kill us when she gave us that bottle of Vodquila at our engagement party." "What are you talking about?" "I still live there kitten." "Live where-" "Our apartment. Our little slice of heaven. But it's not anymore. It's lonely without you. It's my personal hell. Every time I come home I see your face. Every time I go to leave I see the broken look you gave me as those elevator doors slid closed. I miss you kitten." He was closer now. I could smell the booze on him.

"Alexander you smell disgusting." He dropped to his knees at my feet. "Stop calling me Alexander. You've never called me that until that day." He laid his head in my lap and inhaled. "I know it's a defense mechanism. I know you think it helps to distance yourself from me." Well, he was right about that. "Alex you need to-" I was cut off. "You smell so good kitten. I've missed you so much." "Alex leave." I watched as he smiled lazily. "I love when you call me Alex. I've missed it." "You said you'd leave me alone." He stopped and looked up at me. "I can't. I can't now that I know I never betrayed you. Now that I know I'm not the scum of a man that I thought I was. I love you, Kathryn. I've loved you for sixteen long years. I'll never stop." "Alex you need to leave," he paused only for a second. "Marry me, Kathryn. Please, I love you, marry me." "No." He jerked away from me as if I had just stabbed him. "Why?" "Because I'm dating Kaleb. I'm happy with him. You moved on first Alex, it was my turn and I did and I'm happy. Why do you keep trying to mess with that?" "Kitten, please. I love-" "I think you need to listen to the woman, Alex." My head shot up at Kaleb's voice. The one time he was late. I could have killed him. "Oh thank God, help me get him back to the hospital." I stood up and grabbed Alex's arm and tried to pull him to his feet. Alex stood better than I was expecting and I tried to drag him to the door. "Get away from my girlfriend, Alex. Before I make you regret ever stepping foot in this building." Kaleb's voice sounded different. Angry and dark. I turned and met his eyes and found a dark storm brewing there. Alex threw his arms over my shoulders and leaned on me. "Alex I'm still two inches shorter than you in these heels and they aren't that stable I can't hold you up. You need to stand on-" His mouth was on mine. He tasted disgusting. There was no fire this time. He was ripped off of me and Kaleb threw him to the floor. "I'm calling an ambulance." He stood between Alex and I and picked up his phone. "Kitten, don't let him tear us apart." "Alex you did that on your own." 

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