Chapter 14 - Momma W

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He hugged me. Actually, more like engulfed me in a strangling resemblance of a hug. "Can't breathe." I gasped. He loosened his grip, and that's when I noticed the whispers and stares. I smacked his arm. "Let's go." I practically dragged him out of the elevator. "You can't hug me down here. That will get out to the press, and my parents will kill me if they see me hugging you in an elevator. I haven't even told them about Kaleb and me yet." I let go of his arm, and he followed me into Panterini.  

"You should, uh, probably tell your parents." He said as we sat at my usual table in the back corner. "Especially since you just agreed to date me." I held up my finger. "If you can get your dad on board. I will not deal with another sabotage of our relationship." He smiled. "Our relationship. Say that again." I tried to glare at him but just smiled. I hated when my face didn't do as it was told.

We ate and talked about the last three years. Really talked. I mean, we talked about Kaleb and I's relationship before the break-up but we never really talked about the two years before that. Alex had admitted that his alcohol issue started after the break-up, but he quit and didn't start up again until he found out about his dad, and then Kaleb and I. 

After lunch, Alex left, and I headed back up to my office to try and finish some paperwork before I left for the day. The elevator door dinged open, and Kaleb was standing there. Crap. "Mr. Matherly, move-" "No, Kate. I am not moving." I sighed and pushed past him. "Call me Kate one more time, and I'll fire you." I stormed off before he could reply. 

I sat in my chair fuming. Kaleb is really getting on my last nerve. I don't care that we dated for a year, he could least be respectful seeing as he cheated on me. My phone dinged, bringing me out of my thoughts. A text from Erin.

Hey, how are you doing today? Alex hasn't touched you, has he? Also, my new roommate sucks. I like the old one better. -E

I was grateful for the distraction. So I decided to reply.

Kaleb is getting on my nerves at work, I liked your old roommate to and uh, about Alex. We, uh, kissed and I've decided to give him another chance if he can get his dad on board. -K

I had just hit send when I got my reply. Dang, she texts fast.

Kate, honey, dear, best friend, you're an idiot. His dad will never get on board. Sorry, but if he wasn't on board after seven years, he wouldn't be now. -E

I didn't reply because I knew she was right. He still hated me after seven years of us together, three years of us apart won't change his mind. My phone dinged again, and I looked down expecting another text from Erin but found it was from Alex.

Dad approved. So glad I can finally call you my girlfriend again. -A

I froze. Uh. What? How the hell did he get his dad's approval it's only been three hours since he left. I was expecting weeks. I sent back a reply. 

Uh. What? -K

I know, elegant, right? 

He no longer has any control over the company, so I told him he can approve or I can just sell the company to you now and finish the merger we tried to start three years ago. Seeing as he broke us up so that you wouldn't get control over his company. But it's my company now; he has no say anymore. -A

I was dumbfounded. I can't believe Richard completely retired. And that he approved. I mean, Alex did threaten to sell me the company, which would have merged the two like we were planning before his dad broke us up.

I feel like he's kidding me. I was genuinely expecting months of arguing and all that. My phone dinged again, but I ignored it. Would Alex lie so that we could date while he worked on his dad? I mean, he's never lied to me before but what if he was this time? I sighed and leaned back in my chair. His dad loved his company more than anything, so I guess it wasn't too hard to believe that Alex threatening to sell it would get him to change his mind. 

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