0.4(rehab i guess)

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  I've came to a realization that I'm not okay but I don't want to go to rehab. It seems scary and I don't know if I can go through that on my own, if the boys would understand the reasons I wanted to go. Paparazzi would be everywhere and fans would be worried, it would all be a mess.

  Luke's apartment is filled with the strumming of Michaels guitar and the hum of Sponge Bob. "I think I need a break from parties, not shows." Luke scratches his stubble and leans his head into the arm rest of the couch. At least I'm not the only one tired.

"Nah that's just a bad hangover talking to you." Michael chimes with a laugh. Ashton cracks up as well. "Those girls last night were amazing."

  "Yeah, I didn't sleep with Dani though she was on her monthly." Luke sighed.

  Michael replies with another cocky laugh. "At least you remember her name."

  Then I'm thinking of Brandy the blonde with a yellow dress. Her hips and how they'd grind against my own. "I danced with a girl last night. A blonde. Her name was Brandy, she seemed fun but I guess she got caught up in something? I don't know." Sharing this with them gives me a boost of confidence because it's something different. Rather then my silent pity I have a story.

Ashton pats my shoulder and smiles bright. "Good for you Cal. Feels nice to let go for once, doesn't it?"

"I guess so. I'm taking a break from the partying for a bit though, I want to focus on the tour."

Luke waves with an un tasteful sound falling from his mouth. "Tour ends in three days. We have a big break in between that and Europe, a whole three months I think."

He not wrong but I counter. "Yeah, but then we'll have to song right. Sorry I want to say fuck it but that's all we've done this pass year since Youngbloods been out."

"Well I don't see you fucking doing shit about it." Lukes mad but he'll get over it. It's his hangover that's making him so pissy. I ignore him and head into the bathroom.

What the fuck is up with me? I lock the door and turn to the mirror. We've always wanted the band to be successful, play stadiums and go on interviews. I don't think we ever thought about privacy. How there wouldn't be any left. I liked it when we got to choose what we shared with the public, now they all know everything. They know about my bad habit of smoking and obsession with cherry vodka. They know Michael's last girlfriend was a publicity stunt and all him and Luke do is one night stands. Ashton is lucky, he knows how to be balanced and keep himself away from bad habits and the fame.

I turn on the sink and splash the water across my face. When I look into the mirror and I stare into myself. When tour ends I'm going to find myself. LA is my home right now not the road, Luke's apartment, nor the hotels. I take out my phone and pull safari back out. Rehab. I click on the one that sounds interesting, "Lockwood Smiles Rehabilitation Center."


lol so do you see what im doing

its obvious this book takes place in the future

so pretty pls dont come for ma neck

ily guys smsmsm


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