2.6(austraila prt 2)

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We only have two days left before we head home and the feeling is bittersweet. Today the boys wanted to go down to the beach, me an Crystal agreed to tag along. I was getting along really well with her, she was funny and kind-hearted. Although very much older then me, she has a young soul.

Calum still hadn't asked me to be his girlfriend and I was worried. I know we're supposed to help each other out before anything, I just feel a bit used. All my affection going towards something that I'm not sure he feels. Maybe he's just waiting, it's only been a month after all. I had to admit to myself that yes, I was falling fast for Calum Hood.

We had three jeeps rented. Michael and Crystal would take one, Luke Sierra and Ashton would take the next while Calum and I had our own.

The beach was a two hour drive both ways so we planned on staying all day then driving back late at night. Michael and Crystals dogs would come with us. "We can play good music." I state to Calum as we set up our Jeep to take off. We got up late making us the last ones to leave.

"Are you saying the boys don't play good music." He teased, sliding a cooler into the back with some volleyballs and chairs.

I shake my head and slide into the passenger seat. "No... I just listen to about half the songs they play and I want to be blue to scream every song at the top of my lungs."

Calum starts the car and I connect to the aux. "I want to see your reaction to the third album."

"Okay," I quip and search Youngblood on Spotify. It pops up-the cover art was pretty and colorful. "Do you sing any?"

"Babylon." He says back smoothly.

"Really, you got your own song!" I smile proud at him. Based off their old music it was mainly Luke that sang.

"I know. And on the CD, Ashton has a song." He gleams. I love his happiness towards music.

I play the song the boy next me sings. He watches out of the corner of his eyes all of my facial expressions. His voice sounded amazing, smooth but raspy in a sexy kind of way. "This is great." I mumble and begin to search through the rest of the songs.

When we get to the beach, we find Calum's friends laughing around a bonfire. They drink bear and play music. South- Michael and Crystal's dog plays frisbee with Sierra and Luke. It's like more family time and it's comforting.

"Can we play in the waves, I haven't been to the beach in a long time." I pout up at Cal. It was true last time I was at the beach was when I was thirteen.

"Yeah, let me just get all the stuff out of the Jeep." He grabbed Ashton and marched back up to the car to gather all the supplies we brought.

Crystal was already laid out in her bikini and I felt a bit insecure. The last thing I needed was to feel hidden. The beach wasn't even crowded, but I still felt like I was being judged.

I slide my shorts and tank top off anyway, letting the ocean air bite at my body. This was the most of me anyone had seen in a while. Suddenly a frisbee is at my feet and I look up to see Sierra running to get it. I reach down, covering my stomach and grab the piece of plastic.

"Sorry." She frowns.

I shake my head. "You're fine, really."

She smiles at me and I hand her the disk. "You look really pretty by the way, so don't feel the need to hide yourself. Everyone will except you." Her eyes thrived with meaning. Me and her are going to get along.

"Really? Thank you...so much. You're really pretty as well." I mumbled. Sierra nodded before turning around and running back to Luke.

Instead of waiting for Calum, I walked down to the ocean myself. The waves crashed against my toes sending shivers through my body. It was cold but adjustable.

Arms wrap around my waist, and I know it's Calum. "I like this." He mutters into my neck. We look at the view.

"What?" I ask.

"Well besides the fact that you look beautiful in this bikini, I like that you're here with me." He whispers softly, like everyone's listening to us or something.

I blush and turn in his arms. Our faces are close and the moment was right. I lean in and softly mold our lips together. He doesn't hesitate to kiss back, holding me closer to his body. The kiss turned needy, as I pulled onto his hair. He pulls away first and smile at me.

Calum places another soft peck on my lips and let's me go. "I need you to be careful because there's alway paparazzi at the beach. And if you don't want us to be on the cover of a magazine then I suggest we don't do that in public." He explains.

I giggle at him and nod. "Of course." And somehow I still felt like it was just me and him in this big ass world.

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