1.9(pjs on a date)

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The next few days went by and all I did was lay in bed and watch Jane The Virgin. Shiloh has found her own place away from Austin, which was a good thing but what wasn't was how he was getting to be very stalky about all of this. He'd texted her multiple times so she blocked his number. He then went over to Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook and attacked her with violent messages. Aly and I told her that it was just him going through withdrawals, but he started messaging us too. So we turned off our phones.

Finally I got mine back and once I powered it on I saw a few missed calls from my parents and a couple missed texts from Calum.

lydia - cal?

calum - finally I thought u left me

lydia - never. stuffs just been going on so i didn't have my phone on

calum - that's alright. but I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go on a date or something idk we don't have too its just I go to Aus on Monday and I want to spend time w/ u b4 that u know

lydia - ofc ill go on a date with uuu lol where tho

calum - tonight at my place maybe... we can watch a movie and I can cook u something

lydia - u cook? n does this mean I can wear my pj's?

calum - anything I set my mind too I can do . n you can wear ur pjs u cute thing

lydia - ur too kind

lydia - what time?

calum - 6 ill pick u up don't worry

I shut off my phone and smile widely. A date with Calum is exactly what I need to take my mind off of Austin. I get up out of bed and shuffle into the living room, coming faced with Aly. She was watching Riverdale and eating some leftover pasta.

"Aly I got a date!" I laugh, jumping onto her. Then I remember I'm not allowed to talk about Calum.

"Really, with who?"

Flustered, I say the first thing that pops into my mind. "Some Guy from Tinder."

"Well is he cute?" She smiles and pauses her show.

"Of course. So if I don't come home tonight don't come looking for me." I smirk.

Aly shrugs me off causing me to laugh. I head back to my room and begin to get ready for my night with Calum.

okay so Im in Massachusetts rn to see my strip brother, dad, mom yknow the whole thing and my brother is a pothead (legally) and he's so annoying about it lmao

anyway how's ur summer
Okay ily bye

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