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  Calum really has tried, I could tell. His dining table had an actual table cloth on it, with a few candles. The silverware was laid out neatly, he didn't dare to make a mistake. "It's been a while since I've actually been on a date with someone." He looked away and pulled out the chair for me to sit. Calum tucked me into the table before going to sit himself.

There was a small dish of pasta and steak that smelt delicious and made my stomach growl. "You actually know how to cook huh?" I said with shock.

He gives me one of his famous smiles and a light blush appears across his cheeks. Calum is so fucking handsome it's insane. "You know when I said you can come in your pj's I didn't actually expect you to come in them."

I giggle. "Comfy is cute."

"You're cute."

We smile at each other like idiots, both of us blushing profusely. I break the eye contact and chow down on the food he prepared. Calum coughs to get my attention. "You said you had stuff going on. Is everything okay?"

I don't know if I want to tell him about Austin and the history I have with him. Maybe it's because I don't want him to look at me as a sob story, the girl that got out of a abusive relationship just to let one of her best friends fall into it. So I shrug, avoid eye contact and murmur, "personal things."

Calum doesn't press on, he just slides his hand under the table and laces out fingers together. "So you know how I'm headed to Sydney for a bit to catch up with family?"

I nod, "Yeah, why?"

"It was just an idea, and the boys say they're fine with it..." he trails, and if he says what I think he's about to say my heart might just be overfilled with happiness. "Would you maybe want to come with me? It can be like our first vacation. Besides I need you there in case I get drunk or... I don't know. But, yeah?" He was tripping over his words but I got the message.

"You're crazy Calum. That's money and-God are you sure?" I ask with wide eyes.

"Yeah, Im positive. Money isn't an issue, not at all." The fact he had said that without a doubt in his tone chilled me. I stood up and pulled him along. I then pulled him into a tight hug to which he squeezed back.

"Of course I'll go to Sydney with you." I was going to cry, my voice had broke and I let out a sob of gleam.

Calum pulls my head up and takes me in for a passionate kiss. His lips pulling onto mine as if their all he needs, and I believe it. I try to kiss back with just as much emotion, wrapping my arms around his neck and tugging a bit at his messy dark locks.

I pull away as his hands run against the edge of my shirt and look into his eyes with longing. "I think I'm starting to have real, deep feelings for you Calum."

"Me too baby." He laughs lightly. And we hug because I'm still processing that this boy asked me to go to Australia.

hope y'all are having a good summer
I am lol

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